TR: (Hiking) 6-6 to 6-14 2015 Windigo to Daisey via Malone to Chippewa bushwack

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tree rattt
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TR: (Hiking) 6-6 to 6-14 2015 Windigo to Daisey via Malone to Chippewa bushwack

Post by tree rattt »

Well I guess I will start out by introducing the characters in this tale :) Well there is me ..My Dad daughter Madeline 6 17 yr old nephew Tim ...and my 11 yr old nephew Zach.

To start out we left Rhinelander Wi around 8 am on the 5th it was a good ride up with a stop in Superior.We toured the Richard Bong veterans museum, in my opinion worth the stop.I have been there twice in the last year and enjoyed both visits. Around 2pm by now .....everyone is getting a little grouchy :( Time for lunch!!!! MCY D'S quick and dirty and down the road. I always enjoy the view going over the big bridge from Superior to Duluth! Up the arrowhead we go! We stopped at the Best western in Grand Marias for the night. We did the subway tour for supper and got a pizza for the boat ride ;) .

Woke up to a bit of whining this morning...I guess the fridge in the room kept everyone awake, I didn't notice. On to the Voyager 2 . We arrived and got gear together I made a last minute decision and left my extra bag of M&M 's ...I figured I was heavy enough already. The ride was smooth and uneventful and we arrived in Windigo on time. Ranger Katie gave us the LNT speech and we dodged the ball and didnt have to talk this time! Of course Madeline was getting antsy and almost knocked me off the dock....I regained my balance with a foot to go....wheww! We hung out and waited to register our itinerary do to our bushwack plans.We registered our plan and got our permit .I think they thought we were nuts with our Malone bay to Chippewa bushwack plan....more on that later :) .My pack was 37# ,Dad's was 36# Madeline's was 10#,Timm's was 40#, and Zach's was 22#. We headed up the Greenstone ridge trail and headed off to Island mine.We had difficulty staying together Zack and I led,Tim hung in the middle and Dad & Madeline brought up the rear untill after lunch. We were probably spread over a quarter of a mile or so....Dad was not happy about the spread....and let us know it! after lunch Tim and Zach led Dad took the middle and I brought up the rear...nobody was to get out of voice range. Tim and Zach were GONE!!!! It took us an hour to catçh them.....finally we found them kicking back on the trail. As soon as they saw us the were up and moving again.We don't run , we aren't in a hurry. Those two young bucks were in one heck of a hurry though. Dad Madeline and myself continued on at our usual pace.....slow and steady :) We rolled into camp and began setup....the boys were tired and didn' t want to help with chores.....NEWS FLASH!!!!.......everybody does there part, that is just the way it is. It was a perfect day, no bugs and cool.

Woke up to a good rain.....oh nuts!! I went back to sleep,hope it quits by daybreak. Day break, still a little rain.I woke up to some grumbling and a little spat! I had to get out and see what the darn problem was! Tim didn't set up his tent properly .....he took in water...he was pissed off! To put it mildly Everybody in camp knew it sorry if you were camped next to us. He claimed that he was soaked and couldn't get out of the rain .I removed the water from his tent and showed him his sleeping bag was not wet.....told him to go to bed and knock of the B.S. !!! We have neighbors! The rain stopped and we got packing Everyone packed up ....Tim wants off the island and wants to go home now!! We head off to South Desor. We stopped off at the top of Mt desor for lunch. Madeline and I unpack for lunch Tim and Zach take off without eating ...Dad not happy......I find a tree to bang my head against.....oh boy!!! Madeline starts to complain her feet hurt , so I do a foot check.She hit the island with brand new boots :( no break in time what so ever. Some powder and fresh socks and she feels better. We finally catch up with the boys on a rock out crop ....I set them down and re explain that we need to stick together and that what they are doing is upsetting Grandpa...big time! We reach camp quite early and settle in at site 1. The weather is pleasant. The no-seeums are unbearable! We set up both stick stoves to give a little smoke screen this works very well! Something happened in camp that afternoon and we all finally started to click as a group and moods shifted to pleasant. Everyone is having fun, It was a great afternoon. I left off my rainfly that night and went to bed. What a beautiful view!

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Re: TR: (Hiking) 6-6 to 6-14 2015 Windigo to Daisey via Malone to Chippewa bushwack

Post by Tightlines01 »

Wow. What a start to the trip... Glad everyone feels soon. Looking forward to the rest of the trip.
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Re: TR: (Hiking) 6-6 to 6-14 2015 Windigo to Daisey via Malone to Chippewa bushwack

Post by tree rattt »

Woke to a beautiful morning! Fired up the stick stove 1st thing, the noseums were still thick! Mountain house biscuits and gravy + coffee for breakfast.I had a long time to myself this morning, I was up pretty early. I had a great night sleep! The biscuits and gravy were quite good! This was my first time eating a Mountain house meal.I am typically an oatmeal kinda guy.Today we are headed for Malone bay and I am psyched! We have a pretty good haul today and I want to get going! WAKE UP Everyone! I cook oatmeal for everyone and help Madeline finish packing. I must confess I was more than a little excited ....The Ispemeng pt trail was a new trail for me! I was a little pushy knowing we had around 11 miles today. Finally with everyone packed we are off.I inform Dad I am going to head for the rock out crop up ahead and will wait there.Zach and I are gone at full speed! The trail at this point was muddy and wet in many spots. OH BOY! the mosquitos are out! Out with the deet! We stop at the out crop for a few photos and to let the group catch up. Down the trail to the tower we head! My running has taken its toll I am a little tired for the next leg to the tower. Madeline and I are bringing up the rear.She is having a rough morning. MY feet hurt, I am hungry, I am tired, I want a break! The mosquitos are thick I don't want to stop till the tower. I feed her snacks on the fly and try to take her mind off her problems....but she is insistent on a foot check! We make the tower and I do the full foot routine. I even had to tape up a small blister for her.I noticed a small issue with my feet as well and taped up the back of my heels.We still have a long day to go! I have blown through 2 1/2 liters of water at this full supply! I save 1 good swallow for mental purposes. Empty bottles make me thirstier! We have a good snack at the tower. We then head to Malone bay. Madeline continues to have a rough day, and she is starting to annoy everyone! I need a break and blow out ahead on point. The further we drop the thicker the mosquitos get! Head nets pop on one by one ....except Tim.Finally we reach a good water source and take on water. I take on a little ...I don't want. The extra weight, I took on Madelines extra clothes and her snacks + her water. A whole five pounds I figure but I am starting to drag by the time we hit Siskiwit lake.We stop for lunch. Dad is beginning to have a problem...some sort of stomach flu type thing. Tim skips lunch again. Down the trail we go. Dad is falling further and further behind.Madeline is still complaining. Tim and Zach are gone. The mosquitos are some of the thickest I have seen in my life.I am starting to become rattled.I give it all I have and run down the boys and tell them to wait with Madeline. I drop my pack and go to look for Dad. I find him a half mile back. I Grabbed his pack and head to the boys. He finally works through his problem and we start to make time again. Madeline saw me carrying Dad's pack .....suddenly she has problems :( ....monkey see monkey do! While I am trying to reason with her , I find us left behind. Dad and the boys left us! We try to stop for a break, but I can' t relax in the Mosquito horde! I HAVE NEVER IN MY LIFE SEEN THEM AS THICK AS THEY WERE WHEN WE STOPPED! I cant take it any more .....I am pissed! After helping everyone when they needed it through out the trip .....I get left behind! I take Madeline's pack and tell her to keep up.....suddenly she pulls away like I am standing still! We reach the river out of Siskiwit ....I don't even care to go look .....I need to have a little cool down time to myself! I find a shelter and go to get some water. Suddenly Dad is behind me wanting to know what the problem is. I am all to happy to tell him whats on my mind! We work through it and go do a little scouting. Tim is spent, we tell him to hit the shelter and take a nap.We got him to eat a snack and drink some water first. We then head down to the dock to scout an entry point for tomorrow. We quickly run into ranger John, he had paddled there that day. We talk to him for a quite a long time. He asks our plan. We explain what we are going to do, and listen to any tips he can offer.He seems VERY skeptical and tells us what our options are as far as aborting our plan. Soon after we are back in camp, here comes John with 2 others in tow. We explain the whole plan again , to which one of the men replies " I don't think you people have any common sense at all" They leave and John talks to us a little more and reminds us that we can stay put and wait for the Voyager 2 to take us home.He finally sees that we are going to try it and tells us that If we make it through, he will bring brownies for a treat! We tell him we will see him in a few days,with a good story! Tim is still bummed out and still wants to bail. I have a talk with him while Dad scouts some more.While Tim and I are talking, I cook him a big supper! He isn't taking care of himself and expects us to hand him a free he gets at home.His purpose on this trip is to learn some self worth and self reliance. I explain this to him as it was explained to me by his parents. We talk along time and finally he starts to come around .He realizes there is no point in fighting it further and moves on. We finish chores and supper and turn in early ........tomorrow starts the bushwack!!!

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Re: TR: (Hiking) 6-6 to 6-14 2015 Windigo to Daisey via Malone to Chippewa bushwack

Post by tree rattt »



We woke early,and a little sore from the day before .Breakfast was quick ....just granola bars. Everyone was excited to get moving, we were all excited to sink our teeth into a short 4 to 5 mile day ;) . We head out, covered in deet and headnets in hand :) . We walk past the dock, a lot of folks waiting for the boat today. I couldn't help but wonder what they thought when we walked past the dock and up toward the ranger station ....soon out site. We cruise out past the ranger station and meander through the clearings.We hear the V2 coming in...I wonder, should we be on it? I guess I will find out 2 1/2 days from now ;) We have a plan to bail if we can't hit little greenstone beach by tonight. I can't help but to feel joy and excitement welling up,driving me around every corner. We soon come across piles of moose bones, stacked neatly and a beautiful antler hanging in a dead tree. Soon our rock out crops and clearings give way to cedar swamp.Wow! Absolutely beautiful! VERY thick. Everyone is doing good spirits are up! Out of the swamp and back up on the rocks.The tree line lake side looks a little weird to me.I tell Dad that I want to scoot down closer to the lake to look around. We came out on a clearing with a view of the islands that border this stretch.Shure wish I had my kayak! It is hot, dead calm, and you guessed it skeeters and those little fly *%+$(%/- . The view is worth every once of effort! We made schooner bay by lunch.Pretty good pace we figured considering our crew. After watering up and a good lunch, we were off. This stretch was super cool for me, a kayaker ....carrying a pack.Most of this stretch we walked within feet of the lake untill the Datolite mine. There were a few large crevasses we had to go inland to avoid. From this point we stayed up high on the rocks, the walking is easy worse than the minong.Before we knew it we were at Little Greenstone beech.Beautiful place :) We make our way down to camp,and the kids play on the cobble beach.Dad asks me to climb the rocks and scout a little.We are unsure if we are going to push on further or not.I cast my vote to stay put, everyone agrees. We all start to do our chores, all goes smooth and efficient. Tents up, water gathered, Supper started. Mmmmmmm spagetti tonight! OH YEAH!!! coffee is on,hot chocolate for the kids. Life is good.....too good :) A look up at the sky, hmmmm dark clouds. I tell everyone to stow their gear and prep for a little rain. We just finished up and dove into our tents, just made it! :) A great day today, I am proud of each and every person in our group. We really meshed as a team today .........just hope it is a short rain. Pitter pat, pitter pat relaxing :)

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Re: TR: (Hiking) 6-6 to 6-14 2015 Windigo to Daisey via Malone to Chippewa bushwack

Post by tree rattt »

6-10 -15

Little Greenstone beach to Bluberry cove.

Up early again, I am the last out of bed. Wow, I woke up to hot breakfast and hot coffee.I am surprised to see everyone is well into packing up ...I am not :( . I scarf breakfast and get moving. Madeline really impresses me for a six year old. She has her gear rolled and is packing her pack ....all by herself :) She eats her oatmeal and we get moving ....dishes can wait till later. We climb the rocks out of Little greenstone beach to the top. :( The rain made the rocks very trecherous, our pace is slow and cautious. Soon we reach Vaudrey harbor, I make a mental note for a kayaking trip ....great place to camp or get out of a little wave action. The woods here is very sparse and we really make great time, then back up on the rocks. Today is hot, humid and calm.The rocks dry quickly, our pace quickens. UP down, up down, and around a corner ...we make it to Greenstone beach.I hurry ahead to take a picture. This beach is on my Dad's bucketlist. I feel very proud and honored to share this moment with my Dad. The kids don't fully understand what this meant to Dad and I . We spend a very long time here looking at rocks and reminicing of trips gone by and all the good times that we have shared. We make it down to the far end of the beach for lunch. Zach brings up a hand full of green sand from the beach.....unreal!!! I sat on a log for lunch and noticed something. A basket ball! We can't pass this up! We play a little basket ball on the beach. Never thought I would ever do that! We get back up on the rocks and follow untill the trail degrades into an endless nightmare of dead fall and wall to spruce. The rocks are too steep here to walk on them. Dad is leading at this point, and I am getting frustrated. I am last and they all climb over and under the dead falls. I climb up on them and they break! !!! Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!! I have had enough of this crap!! I Tell dad to get out the way and explain why. He agrees. I must have sounded like a bulldozer going through the woods. I broke every dead fall I came across Tim moved them a little and Dad, Zach and Madeline had somewhat decent trail.I did this until lake George. We stumbled across what looked to me an old road. It was open enough that you could have driven an atv down it ....with no problem what so ever! This trail lasted from mid way through lake george and half way to Bluberry cove. Then ended as soon as it began. A glance at the map from on top of the big hill a compass check ,off to blue berry cove. THICK,THICK,THICK!!! Within minutes Bluberry cove was in sight. PEEYEW!! what is that smell? A dead moose! Another beautiful spot! It is pretty early and hot. I decide it is time for a swim!! :) I gather up some courage and wade out up to my knees! 1 2 3 .....I don't think so ;) .I settle for rinsing out my shirts and socks and a little wash up .....I feel good 8) . Madeline and Zach occupy their time by setting drift wood afloat. They were having a contest to see whos went the farthest. Tim is kicking it back taking in some sun.Dad and I do the same. We find a spot to put a few tents at a premium here. IT is all cobble stone ....stakes don't want to go in :( . We make it work. We start supper and while we are cooking I notice all the hopping on dead falls has taken a toll on my new boots. The sole of the boot is seperating in the arches :( . Wish I had some shoe goo! I took it out at the last minute .We all have relatively new boots, and didn't figure we would need it.I check Madeline's boots. They are coming apart too .Tim checks his, he has some sole damage too. Glad we will be out tomorrow and we hope the boots will hold! The bugs started moving in during supper .......getting a little unbearable. Early to bed, early to rise! Walking through the spruce trees has really triggered my allergies, I can barely talk .Out with the med kit for some allergy pills. Madeline is out like a lite .....still day lite too. I do an inventory on remaining consumables. Sure glad I packed a lot of extra food for her, must be a growth spurt or something. Hind sight I should have packed more beef sticks, she loved those. It is still daylight, and I am not tired yet .I guess it is time to sleep , so I get comfy. Another great day!

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Re: TR: (Hiking) 6-6 to 6-14 2015 Windigo to Daisey via Malone to Chippewa bushwack

Post by johnhens »

Enjoying the TR!!
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Re: TR: (Hiking) 6-6 to 6-14 2015 Windigo to Daisey via Malone to Chippewa bushwack

Post by Tightlines01 »

Feel like I'm there with you!
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Re: TR: (Hiking) 6-6 to 6-14 2015 Windigo to Daisey via Malone to Chippewa bushwack

Post by MikeT »

Bushwack sounds great, so far...
Mike T.
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Re: TR: (Hiking) 6-6 to 6-14 2015 Windigo to Daisey via Malone to Chippewa bushwack

Post by Midwest Ed »

You're killing me man. I can't wait to see how it ends. Please don't let me go to bed tonight wondering, but it looks like I'll need to wait another day.
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Re: TR: (Hiking) 6-6 to 6-14 2015 Windigo to Daisey via Malone to Chippewa bushwack

Post by tree rattt »


Blueberry cove to chippewa harbor

Well morning came around. I think I died in my sleep, well it was the way I felt anyway :) . No breakfast, no coffee. Just allergy pills and Tylenol for me this morning. I get the lead for my skills as a bulldozer :) .My head is in the clouds today and it it a very thick and rough start! The thickest so far, good thing we only have to do a mile in this stuff. Well ,or so we thought! This section has many ridges in it Very, Very densely packed. We end up following the ridges because of the cliffs ....30 ft in spots.No way down.Just as we were beginning we found another dead moose. It had a skull with it ....a cow! The bones weren't stacked either.We later reported this find and the approximate location to Candy and Rolf. We are on a ridge now and not too dense, the first good walking today. I point out a concern to Dad. The ridge is narrowing quickly and we need to get 30' down into the valley .....not to mention we are headed completely the wrong way! I spot a possible way down but Dad isn't impressed. The first drop is about 6' ,but has a tree to use as a firemans pole :) looks good to me ....I wanted down we were running out of walkable realestate. I drop my pack and shimmy down.A good foot of soft moss on the bottom ;) no problem.They pass Madeline down, she wasn't impressed .She wanted to slide down like dad.After that spot the rest of the way was a mossy goat path. Another cedar swamp :) I find these ares just beautiful. We head on through and end up going down another 15 ft cliff.On the bottom of this one the forest began to change a little. We were finally able to keep a heading and then we came across the portage trail from chippewa harbor to lake whittelsey. We head to lake whittelsey and turn off trail again just short of the lake. This area was quite sparse with trees, easy walking but a lot of large rock outcrops. We went over a few and decided to try and run with one. We walked about a quarter of a mile and It ended very abruptly in a cliff. :( I am beat today I need a break. Once again It is hot and no breeze .....of course bugs. We take a good break, dad is trying to pawn off his trail mix on us :) .We are all almost out of water at this point.It was about lunch time ....we just wanted to see trail at this point. I ask Dad If he will lead us out. We stay in the valley we are in and just keep on hauling.Before long another break we dig out the gps for a progress check and find that we have about 1000' to go.The terrain starts dropping quickly now and the large marsh appears. This is where we wanted to cross. We follow along the edge, heading towards chippewa harbor. There is an old beaver dam that has washed out Dad and the boys cross here. They strip to their skivvies and cross.I pull out my trusty ul waders and go across.I dropped my pack and go back for Madeline. I put her on piggy back and start across .......Daaaa brainfart! I didn't cross in the same spot ;) . The thing about waders is that they only keep you dry if you don' t go too deep.Yup I got wet! BOY! Did that feel good! The creek was warm and nice :) We start up the trail. DAD and I know where we are. 2 years ago we were down in here trying to find a moose. That was why we wanted to cross here we spent a lot of time in there and figured we could make it across, we were right.A quick couple of minutes and we were finally back on actual trail. We decide on an itinerary change and head to Chippewa harbor for the night. After a couple of days in the bush, off trail. It seemed like warp speed! We knocked that last mile out! We took a shelter and did some chores. My first priority was a cup of joe! My second was to was my shirts again so I could stand my own smell....yeah, that bad :( . Hmmmm no bugs to speak of :) . Also a good place to dry out a sleeping bag! Supper was simple, just some ramen noodles. The kids got into the hot chocolate again.Little Zach decided he wanted to see what coffee was all about :) ... " not bad" Some Rangers came by to survey a little beaver damage , they have been busy in camp.lots of chewed trees. It is getting late now, almost dark! I can't seem to find Madeline's off switch tonight. I want sleep....I tell her to be quiet and go to sleep.I think I am talking to myself :( .....through all the chatter I drift off.

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Re: TR: (Hiking) 6-6 to 6-14 2015 Windigo to Daisey via Malone to Chippewa bushwack

Post by tree rattt »

Chippewa to Moskey

We woke up to a beautiful morning.I was up super early today.I made coffee and had another MH Bisquits and gravy.I made madeline eggs and cozied them up. I just sat and took in the morning....It was beautiful :) .I boil a little water for oatmeal and tell every one breakfast is served! After breakfast we pack up and head out. Dad and I have been here before and know the trail so I decide to have a little fun.I leave Madeline with Grandpa and see how hard and far I can push the boys. I have them running :) We are on trail again and it is just killing them not to have the lead. I stop for a quick water break and they blow past .....I take off running after them :) .They are gone till the moskey turn off. There they sit packs off waiting as they were told. I Didn't stop! I took off running toward moskey .....they scrambled to get the lead again and quickly passed me. Before long Dad catches up and Madeline wants to lead.We tell here that if she wants the lead then she better not let us catch her......It almost killed me just trying to keep her in sight. I Quickly realize that my joke is on myself! Well I started it! Now I have to finish it. So they were sitting at the fork in the trail...packs off when we caught them. So we stop and wait for them, them send them off on the Daisey farm trail:) just before they were out of sight we yell to them " yer going the wrong way " So the old guys beat them into Moskey! It is lunch time, so we eat. I dozed off on the rocks after lunch. Madeline and Zach play dolls :shock: Yeah He would love that I shared that ;) We did have some entertainment at camp.A local squirrel was trying to get into Dad's pack.He was a persistant little creature and simply wouldn't take no for an answer. Dad and I decide to test Tim. He is going to cook his own supper and start the stick stove all by himself. Poor kid couldn't do it.So I helped him. Kids are tired tonight .It isn't even dark and they are all in bed. I soak up the serenity and beauty that is Moskey basin....cup of joe in hand. Dad makes a cup of broth and we sit and talk untill dark.Off to bed.

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Re: TR: (Hiking) 6-6 to 6-14 2015 Windigo to Daisey via Malone to Chippewa bushwack

Post by Midwest Ed »

I very much enjoyed reading about your back country journey. Indeed, I stayed up late to read it. It sounds like you had to do very little backtracking. Do you have a GPS file of your route? I'm curious and looking forward to any comments the NP Rangers might have made when you left the Island.
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Re: TR: (Hiking) 6-6 to 6-14 2015 Windigo to Daisey via Malone to Chippewa bushwack

Post by fonixmunkee »

Holy shit, are you typing this whole TR from your mobile phone? That's dedication.

Keep it going. Oh yeah, next time you are in Superior, skip the McDonald's and get yourself a real burger for 1/2 the cost and just as fast: visit the Anchor Bar.
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Re: TR: (Hiking) 6-6 to 6-14 2015 Windigo to Daisey via Malone to Chippewa bushwack

Post by hooky »

I want to know if you ended up getting the brownies?!?!?!

Great TR.
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Re: TR: (Hiking) 6-6 to 6-14 2015 Windigo to Daisey via Malone to Chippewa bushwack

Post by tree rattt »

I will get this trip report finished up soon, maybe a photo or it two as well. I have about 2 weeks of work left for the season, then I will have lots of time :)

So it is good to be back! Look forward to shooting the breeze again with you all !!

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