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What kind of weather should you expect on Isle Royale?

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 2:01 pm
by LeftOvers
- this post is a work in progress - haven't figured out how to have the PDF file display like a photo instead of be an attachment -

Here's a monthly analysis based on 4 1/2 years of data from the US weather station MOJIM4, which is called the Mt. Ojibway station. According to Fonixmunkee, this station is actually located on Mott Island.

Disclaimers: This is based on only a few years of daily data. Mott Island is surrounded by water (cold water). Inland, expect wider daily fluctuations and probably higher highs and lower lows. While precipitation data was available at the same source, it was virtually blank (0), so I didn't analyze it.

For more information about this information, see comments below the chart.
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The source of my data is the Weather Underground (C) ... &year=2012. It has daily weather data for MOJIM4, going back to 2007. The online data only goes back to Dec. '07, so most of that year is blank in my chart. I downloaded the data back in mid June, so July '12 is blank and Jun '12 is based on the first 12 days of June only.

Scrolling way down Weather Underground webpage, you find a link to download data as a comma delimited file. I analyzed it with MS Excel using a pivot table which I then modified. That was pasted into MS Word. That was pasted into Scribus to create this not so appealing PDF document (where did the colors go, the boxes around each month's data?). Use at your own risk.