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Minong Closed until June 15th

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 7:34 am
by Ingo
Closure Order #21-001
March 16, 2021

Closures, restrictions and public use limits:

Closure Order – Minong Trail: The Minong Trail will remain closed until June 15, 2021 to allow crews to assess trail and campground conditions and repair damaged areas. Under the authority provided to the Superintendent in 36 CFR 1.5 (a)(1), the following areas administered by the National Park Service within Isle Royale National Park are closed, effective immediately, as follows:

North Desor Campground
Minong Trail from the Hatchet Lake junction to the East Huginnin Trail junction.
Little Todd Harbor Campground is closed to backpackers, but it will be open to paddlers accessing it from Lake Superior. Paddlers utilizing Little Todd Harbor Campground are prohibited from hiking the Minong Trail.

Notice: This administrative order applies to all individuals subject to the regulatory authority of the National Park Service (NPS) within the boundaries of Isle Royale National Park, including park visitors, government employees, concession employees, park residents, and stakeholders, except as follows:

Authorized essential NPS employees performing critical functions.
Authorized agency partners performing critical functions.

Finding: In 2020, the Minong Trail was closed due to COVID-19 public health and safety concerns and limited emergency responders. During the closure sections of the trail were damaged due to beaver activity, overgrowth, and fallen trees. Trail crews need time to repair bridges, remove fallen trees, and reroute flooded areas before public access can safely resume.

This order is effective immediately and will remain in effect until rescinded. The effectiveness of this order will be assessed on an ongoing basis and will be modified or removed when conditions warrant. Closed areas will be monitored to ensure compliance.

Approval: Denise Swanke, Superintendent
March 16, 2021

Re: Minong Closed until June 15th

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 7:00 am
by torpified
Dang! I'd been meaning to walk on it then! But I'm sure the maintenance work will be good for it, and this way I have an excuse to do even more IR planning . . . .

Re: Minong Closed until June 15th

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 8:48 am
by Bobcat1
Great! I'll be hiking it in August.

Re: Minong Closed until June 15th

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 3:32 pm
by Kelly
The Minong was our first choice last year and our first choice this year. Now it is next year's first choice.

Ah, flexibility!

Re: Minong Closed until June 15th

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 9:40 pm
by kolo
The Minong was our first choice last year and our first choice this year. Now it is next year's first choice.

Ah, flexibility
Back when I was still able to hike/climb mountains, I heeded the saying, " The mountain isn't going anywhere." On those days that the weather didn't look good or if I felt gassed, I would turn around and attempt the mountain summit on another day. I have turned around on several occasions and returned to have great days in the mountains!

Kudos to you on your attitude! You will definitely enjoy the experience of the Minong when the conditions are better. It is worth the wait!

Re: Minong Closed until June 15th

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 12:33 pm
by bloodbuzz
The effectiveness of this order will be assessed on an ongoing basis and will be modified or removed when conditions warrant.
hey, they could be done early, right? :D