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Sleeping gear in late August

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 6:57 pm
by Don_P
How low would you be prepared to go temp-wise?

Re: Sleeping gear in late August

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:34 am
by Keweenaw
I would guess the overnight temps would probably be in the high 40s to high 50s, colder nearer the Lake. Could be 30's or 70s though. I use the same bag all the time - just open it up when it's warm and wear more clothes to bed when it's cold.


Re: Sleeping gear in late August

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:20 am
I agree with KEWEENAW.
Go with a warmer bag and just unzip if needed.
I spent a week on IR in the 70"s with one of those new Space Age Blankets.
A big mistake froze the whole trip.
Current bag is a REI Sub Kilo.

Re: Sleeping gear in late August

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 11:23 am
by Don_P
I should have provided more context. I'm set as far as bags go but my girls' gear is sparse. They currently have 40-degree down bags, and I'm wondering about viability of supplement the bags with a liner and sleeping pad with decent r-value, plus added clothes if needed. However, I don't want to risk them being miserable the six nights we're spending on the island.

Re: Sleeping gear in late August

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 1:05 pm
by trailgoat
I'd go with warmer bags--especially with girls. It very well could dip into the 30's. Unless the girls are warm sleepers, they could get chilly--even with a liner. What do they add? 10-degrees, max? I've always used a 20 degree bag on the island. I was glad I had that rating on a number of occasions.

Just my two cents.

Re: Sleeping gear in late August

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 1:39 pm
by rxgac
my daugter and i went last june. temps were cool. she froze. used an older 40 degree bag. even with extra clothes on. might be able to supplement with adventure medical thermal bivy bag?? about 30 dollars. i've used it below freezing with my 20 degree bag. toasty. definetely go with warmer bag.

Re: Sleeping gear in late August

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 4:47 pm
by fonixmunkee
In my years selling and buying gear (mostly the latter, unfortunately), you never want to cheap out on women's bags. While women-centric technologies in sleeping bags seem like a gimmick, I can assure you they are not. Women, in my experience, need more padding around the hips, and warmer foot boxes. These two factors in a good woman's bag alone are worth the price tag.

Liners work for a few degrees difference, but are not as reliable as a good bag (they can be drafty, slide around inside the bag, bunch up, etc). Stuffing clothes down in the bag is only a temporary fix, too.

Spend the extra few bucks and make sure they are warm and'll go a long way to ensuring they are happy and cheerful on the trip...and will solidify their desire to go to Isle Royale again in the future :) Plus, a good bag can last you a long time (I've beat the ever-loving sh*t out of my bag and it's still ticking flawlessly 7 years later).

Re: Sleeping gear in late August

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 5:22 pm
by Don_P
Thanks for your feedback... Mission: Deal on a great sleeping bag!

Re: Sleeping gear in late August

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 5:11 pm
by fonixmunkee
Don_P: If you want a good price, check your local gear shop for LaFuma bags...they are good bags for a good price, and you can usually find them at most local gear shops.

Re: Sleeping gear in late August

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 11:46 am
by Don_P
Thanks for the suggestion. We bought the girls Lafuma Extreme 800 bags on a really great sale over the winter and I'd hoped to use them for Isle Royale. I have a 30% off STP coupon and can get a Sierra Designs Rosa for about $50 each. Looks like a decent bag, although heavier than I'd like.

Re: Sleeping gear in late August

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 9:09 pm
by Kevinl
I use the LaFumas and have no complaints. Light bags that roll up smaller than a cantalope. Great prices. Usually not for the cold they claim, but great for August.