1st timer how do i get there

Questions about how to get to the island and where to stay near points of departure.

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1st timer how do i get there

Post by numb »

Me and a friend are coming to isle royale in mid July . I am coming from Chicago land area.

1) What harbor should we leave from
2) can we just show up or do we need ferry reservation 1 day ahead 1 week ahead ect....
3) Because we are fat old guys we want to set up base camp and day hike and fish. I have been all over the web site and reading the forum
just not sure were to go on the island? We think we want to take the ferry to mccargoe cove and make that base camp ?

we are trying to rent a canoe ( we were turned onto a outfitter in grand marais i think that's the spelling ) so any info for 1st timers I thank you

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Re: 1st timer how do i get there

Post by DonNewcomb »

There are several options, all of which are discussed at various times on this forum and the NPS website. Reservations are strongly recommended for all transportation modes. If you don't want to hike, you can either take a ferry or fly to Rock Harbor, then either stay there or take a water taxi to another campground (e.g. Daisy Farm) and stay there until time to pack up and return. You can also take the Voyageur II from Grand Portage and get of at one of the stops she makes on her clockwise navigation around the island. However, you need to be aware that the Voyageur II takes two days to complete her trip around the island.

Just me, knowing only what you've provided, I'd drive to Grand Portage and take the Voyageur II or Sea Hunter III to Windigo and just camp there. It's a very pleasant spot, not as busy as Rock Harbor. You can get a hot shower, supplies and lunch at the store. There's a visitors' center with good programs and lots of nice day hikes. It's also not as complicated as taking Ranger III, then a water taxi, etc. Not so many moving parts.

If time is short and cash is plentiful, I believe you can also fly to Windigo.
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Re: 1st timer how do i get there

Post by numb »


We still have a little get up and go in us . We are taking our backpack on the journey and plan on roughing it . I just can't pack 8 10 miles a day
like I used to thats why we want to set up a base camp fish , maybe a few day hikes. Thanks for all the info on getting us there . Do you know if we can paddle up to richie lake? You mentioned water taxi were do you find them ? do i need to make a resorvation with them?

thanks again for your help
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Re: 1st timer how do i get there

Post by DonNewcomb »

The water taxis run out of Rock Harbor, I believe, as far down as Moskey Basin. I don't think they venture out of the protected waters. I don't have any experience with portaging on I.R., so I won't be much help with that. I do not believe that you can paddle up to Lake Ritchie from Chippewa Harbor. There's a 27' elevation change. I theory, one can get dropped off by VII at McCargoe Cove and hike or canoe & portage to Chippewa Harbor or Malone Bay and get picked up by the same boat a few cycles later.

One of the things I found (IMHO) about I.R. is that there are many options but none of them is perfect.
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Re: 1st timer how do i get there

Post by johnhens »

Welcome to the forums!
If you are going in July, there are limits for consecutive nights stay at the Campgrounds. McCargoe Cove is 3 nights in July. This info is in the Greenstone.
If you plan on taking the Water Taxi, reservations have to be made ahead of time. You could take the Water Taxi from RH if you take the Queen or the Ranger and then take the Voyageur back to RH. You will have to make these plans based on the Voyageurs Monday, Wednesday and Saturday stop at McCargoe (which will have to be made ahead of time to guarantee the Voyaguer coming to McCargoe.

I like the options and the trip around the Island, particularly as this is your first time, the Voyaguer gives.
I live in the Far West 'burbs, it is about 11-12 hours to Grand Portage. Plus the North Shore Drive is nice!!
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Re: 1st timer how do i get there

Post by drobarge »

The taxi does go outside to Chippewa.
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Re: 1st timer how do i get there

Post by Midwest Ed »

Hello Bill:

There is one important piece of information that you have not yet shared in any of your various posts. How long do you intend to stay on the Island? Repeating what has been said, there are strict limits for consecutive nights stayed at every campground. In general, for inland campgrounds it is typically only 2 nights but a couple of them are just 1 night. For campgrounds on Lake Superior the consecutive nights allowed is typically 3, one place is 5. Your best source for this information is the annual park newsletter called the Greenstone (see link below). Also, note that most campgrounds located on Lake Superior have one or more man made, 3 sided, screened in, shelters. Don’t plan on them always being available though as they are first come first served so it’s good you are planning on “roughing it”. That’s the only proper preparation for everyone (unless staying at the Lodge of course).

http://www.nps.gov/isro/planyourvisit/u ... i-2011.pdf

The Greenstone also has a great chart showing details for all the portages. You definitely CANNOT paddle between Chippewa Harbor and Lake Ritchie.

If you are only planning a 3 night trip, I’d go with the previous suggestion of spending the whole time at Washington Creek near Windigo. Washington Harbor is plenty large and protected to allow for a lot of paddling exploration and fishing. And you can do some day hiking under small loads to Huginnin Cove or head out in 3 different directions for the day.

If you want to spend more than 3 nights on the Island then no matter where you call your initial “base camp”, you will need to pick up and move the 4th day. A previous suggestion was to make a common paddling trip from McCargoe Cove to Chippewa Harbor. When using the Voyageur II it makes sense to get dropped off on the north shore and then make your way to the south shore. The Voyageur overnights at Rock Harbor so otherwise you would need to spend the night at Rock Harbor (busy place) or set out from Rock Harbor upon arrival.

Since one of your primary goals is to not spend a lot of time lugging all your gear around it might make sense to avoid the typical north shore to south shore trek. It has a couple of longer portages (greater than 1 mile and the elevation change is pretty high). There are easier and shorter portages.

The Voyageur could drop you off at Chippewa Harbor on day 2 (or water taxi on day 1). Spend 3 nights there, then move to Lake Whittlesey for up to 2 nights (portage is kind of steep and hilly but it’s only 1/2 mile). Then return to Chippewa Harbor for up to 3 more nights (up to 8 or 9 nights total).

Or better yet, move on to Wood Lake for up to 2 nights (easy 1/2 mile), connected to Siskiwit Lake and stay at Malone Bay for up to 3 nights. Voyaguer II can pick you up at Malone Bay. This would give you up to 10 nights with just 2 portages at 1/2 mile each. Chippewa Harbor and Wood Lake campgrounds are favorites.

Please reserve early, especially since you are going in the middle of the summer, the busiest period. Also, please take note the Voyageur stops at these intermediate locations (McCargoe Cove, Chippewa Harbor, Malone Bay ONLY if it has a reservation to pick up or drop off. You can’t change your pick up point and hope the boat stops. Pick up on the south shore would be on a Tues,, Thurs or Sunday.

It appears that Bear Tracks Outfitters will deliver a canoe to the Voyageur II dock in Grand Portage in case you do not have a suitable vehicle (verify this with them of course).

There are plenty of other options leaving from Minnesota or Michigan and also utilizing other parts of the Island. I encourage you to spend more time exploring this site and the National Park site for Isle Royale.
Last edited by Midwest Ed on Mon Jan 30, 2012 10:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 1st timer how do i get there

Post by zims »

welcome numb.
I have to agree with everyone on staying in washngton creek, you can either pop up a tent or stay in a shelter, and if you rent a canoe, you can enjoy the water allt he way to grace island. Plenty of day hikes, and I have always seen moose back there. You can look forward to ranger talks at night right after sunset, they are always great. tHE VOYAGER II gets you there lickity split. We have caught a few fish off the docks there, and if your adventurous for a day hike, walk to feldtman lake to fish. Have a great time.
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Re: 1st timer how do i get there

Post by fonixmunkee »

Welcome to the forums, numb!

I'll just echo what everyone has pointed out:

1) If coming from Chicago, take the Voyageur II.
2) Make reservations well in advance (if you take the VII, you can even make them online)
3) Read the Greenstone for limits on consecutive nights in camp. The first 2012 Greenstone should be out in the next month or two, and surely will be posted on these forums.
4) McCargoe Cove is amazing! However, it may get "busy" by Isle Royale standards there in July. The plus side to this is that if you take the VII, you won't have to mess with the water taxi...you can go right to McCargoe.
5) If you are willing to put in a few miles, you can break up your stay at McCargoe by taking the easy 2.1 mile hike to the equally beautiful West Chickenbone, or go a tad bit harder 6.2 miles to Todd Harbor.

Washington Creek has it's benefits, where you can stay without any limits (I believe), and also be able to head to Hugginnin Cove (6.5 miles) to break up the trip. However, I would urge you to head to McCargoe, which I think is one of the coolest camps on the island (fishing, swimming, shelters, scenery, otters, moose, loons, northern lights have all been part of my experience there).
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Re: 1st timer how do i get there

Post by numb »


Thank you for all the info, We are going to study all the options you have given us and I am sure we will be back on the forum with more questions.
I am really looking forward to the trip . I am currently looking on Craigslist for a canoe I have a feeling this won't be our last trip to the island ( we been to the boundary waters canoeing, 4 day trip down the Manistee river and now this trip.) This looks to be an amazing place! we'll talk soon guys thanks again.

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Re: 1st timer how do i get there

Post by LeftOvers »

Another option that no one has mentioned is to come into Rock Harbor from Houghton or Copper Harbor. That cuts four hours off your drive time from Chicago versus Grand Portage. Paddle to Tookers or Caribou canoe campsites. Then portage into Lake Ritchie (fairly easy 2 mile trail that you'd share with hikers). There's another canoe-only campsite on Lake Ritchie. A day hike to Chippewa Harbor, one of my favorites, is fairly simple and mostly level.

You could take a water taxi between Rock Harbor and Moskey Basin (start of the portage to Lake Ritchie) at either or both ends of your trip, too. But yes, make all your plans and reservations early for a July trip.

I'm not a paddler and don't know current regulations but it used to be that you could build a fire at most canoe-only campsites, while fires are prohibited at most backpacker campsites.
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Re: 1st timer how do i get there

Post by Rafiki »

DonNewcomb wrote: One of the things I found (IMHO) about I.R. is that there are many options but none of them is perfect.
That is so true. Just when you think aparticular option is perfect, you realize there is a slight down fall. I can ellaborate if anyone cares to hear specifics, but simply put, Don you are so correct in what you say that it makes me laugh.
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Re: 1st timer how do i get there

Post by Rafiki »

LeftOvers wrote:Another option that no one has mentioned is to come into Rock Harbor from Houghton or Copper Harbor. That cuts four hours off your drive time from Chicago versus Grand Portage.
My thoughts exactly. Make your first trip to the island a simple one. If you drive to Houghton and take the Ranger III or Sea Plane, you could get back by 3 and make it back to Chicago by 10-11pm thus not requiring you to stay a night at a hotel. If you use the Isle Queen in Cooper Harbor, you'll have another 1 hour added to your drive time, but you will have the benefit of being to the the Island in 3 1/4 hours and thus being able to hike by 12pm rather than at 3pm with the Ranger III. Although, if you took the seaplane, you could get there just as soon as the Queen if not sooner provided that the weather is safe for flying on the given day you go. Now you wont get back from the Queen on your return trip until a little after 6pm, so I myself do not like to drive home and get back at 2-3am night. So that equals a hotel stay for me somewhere. I guess what is really crucial to know is do you mind hiking from Rock Harbor to McCargoe Cove and is McCargoe Cove a must on your list of places to stay. If its a must and you don't minding hiking from Rock Harbor to get there. Take the Queen, Ranger III, or Sea Plane. If you don't want to hike to get there, then expect to deal with an extra four hour long drive with the benefit of having the Voyaguer from Grand Portage drop you off a McCargoe Cove. Then do as some the other guys mentioned, stay there for 3 or less days, and then make your way to either Chippewa or Daisy Farm to be picked up by the Voyaguer on one of its return round trips. Best advice I can give. No plan is perfect, but some are definitely better than others based off of your priorites. I hope this helps. Pleasure to come accross you on here, I hope you are loving the forums so far.
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