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Post by TMetz »

Hello, what berries might I find in mid July, and where on the island?
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Re: Berries

Post by Ingo »

My experience is that mid-July is a little early for berries. If any are ripe they're probably inland on the ridges where it tends to be warmer.
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Re: Berries

Post by JerryB »

I agree with Ingo, but there are so many microclimates on the island, you may get lucky. When they do appear, thimbleberries are everywhere. Be sure to look them up so you know what they look like. I think they are delicious. Blueberries and raspberries are common too. I understand that strawberries can be found, and I think I have seen the plants, but I have not seen the fruit.
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Re: Berries

Post by jrwiesz »

Perhaps some early blueberries, along the ridges leading up to Ojibway Tower, from Daisy Farm. If you happen to be in that area.
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Re: Berries

Post by Boomer »

I know it doesn't help you now but for future penology....I hiked North to South in late Aug/early Sept. The thimbleberries were plentiful but winding down. They could be found just about everywhere along the trail. The blueberries were about done...I've never seen such tiny blueberries. The raspberries were all but done. There were a fair amount of chokecherries on the Windigo side of the Greenstone. Nobody messes with them but I found them very ripe and sweet...remember to spit the seeds. Plump tasteless rosehips could be found from one end of the island to the other. I did eat a fair amount of apples off a tree in Windigo...although they weren't overly ripe the were still tasty and refreshing after a week of pack food.
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