Tuna wraps!

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Tuna wraps!

Post by MattC »

During me and my brothers trip, we discovered versatile Starkists Tuna Creation packets could be a great trail meal and especially on a budget. We enjoyed them most in wraps with the Frank's Red Hot flavor. Packs a great protein punch when feeling deficient. I used these as a contingency plan incase we didnt catch fish. Although we caught fish, the weather had other ideas for us this year. 19g protein per 2.5oz if I remember correctly and a little carb action from the tortillas. They are about a $1 per package and pack light without taking up precious realestate in the bag. The small tortialls for 10 were around $1.60

I know a ton of dudes who go the dehydrated route but we tried a different route with these and complemented them with some pesto pasta sides or wild rice which were divine out there on IR. It was only minimal added weight but well worth it for a quick snack, lunch or even dinner.

I did bring one Mountain House meal left over from our trip last July to Glacier but could barely eat it as Ive grown tired of them.

I spent around 30 bucks for my IR trip and for stuff while traveling to Copper Harbor. We never felt starved and kept it super cheap to eat as good as you can way out there on IR's beautiful trails and campsites.
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Re: Tuna wraps!

Post by Tortuga »

Before I stopped eating animal products this was a standby for me. Those packs were great to add to your regular food like Ramen or Knorr sides or like you did add just to a tortilla. I also liked the foil chicken packets as well. The trash does get kind of nasty to carry around after a few days in the summer heat though.
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Re: Tuna wraps!

Post by Bobcat1 »

My solution to the smelly trash of tuna packets is to roast them over a fire( where permitted) until they are dried up. Not burned, because burning trash is against the rules. Just desiccated. Then they don’t get stinky in the trash bag.
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Re: Tuna wraps!

Post by torpified »

I slice open two edges with scissors, turn them inside out, and lick them clean! (This is another reason it's a good thing I backpack alone.)
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Re: Tuna wraps!

Post by kolo »

Torpified, your comment made me laugh! :lol:
I slice open two edges with scissors, turn them inside out, and lick them clean! (This is another reason it's a good thing I backpack alone.)
I believe you backpack alone for at least two other reasons.

1. You are fiercely independent.
2. There are not a lot of people who could keep up with you and your backpacking pace!
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