Bugs in June?

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Bugs in June?

Post by loreeh »

How are the bugs mid June. I've been there several times in August and usually bugs not bad. I've read in books and online it really depends and the wind can help, probably also which side of the island you're on. Last year we forgot our bug stuff in the car. Luckily some people shared and gave us some extra they had. That's what I like about the island you meet great people and people try to help each other out.
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Re: Bugs in June?

Post by moss13 »

I don't think the bugs are bad at all in June. :shock:


Sorry, could not resist. My past trips to Isle Royale have not been in June so I can't say for sure but I have taken many trips in the BWCA in June which is a very similiar environment. June is the worst month for bugs there. They can be relentless, especially at dawn and dusk. Nothing like getting up in the morning and having to use the bathroom and just getting pelted non stop. So yes, I do wear a head net or a bug shirt that completely (picture is not of me by the way) covers me. If I were to take a guess on Isle Royale I would say they can be pretty bad in June, as well as the black flies which can be worse sometimes. You may catch a break if you are at a campsite that is closer to Lake Superior rather than inland, which can be very bad. A nice breeze would sure help a lot too. I always carry bug spray that has some deet in it for sure, just don't overdo it.

Here are a couple of things I don't leave home without for camping the northwoods in June. They both work great.


http://www.boundarywaterscatalog.com/br ... ,6742.html
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Re: Bugs in June?

Post by zentater »

Late June last year was quite a bugfest however the island was very wet from a wet Spring. A headnet was a necessity although that did not save the shoulders after the bug juice wore off. The May Flies were also quite prolific but fortunately don't bite.
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Re: Bugs in June?

Post by loreeh »

Hey Thanks,
I have one of those head nets which I have used in the BWCA also, usually I pick August to go but this year wanted to do a solo trip and then probably bring a friend end of July, 1st of August, can't get the time off end of August.
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Re: Bugs in June?

Post by Backpacker534 »

I've only been to Isle Royale in late May. The bugs usually aren't too bad at that time of the year, however, there were a couple places along the trail and at East Chickenbone throughout the years where they seemed to be particularly fierce. I second the opinion of moss13 in that I don't leave home without a headnet. It weighs barely anything and the comfort it can provide is well worth it. The time we were at Chickenbone and got carried away by the bugs we had a couple people from a nearby campsite offer us $50 for our bug nets...I kept mine and so did my buddy. I also recently purchased a bug jacket and take it along as well. It is much more comfortable on a warm and/or humid day than wearing long sleeve shirts/jacket to keep the winged creatures at bay.
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Re: Bugs in June?

Post by loreeh »

Thanks, I looked at the link for bug jackets and from picture couldn't tell what they are exactly like. Are those the ones you're talking about . Somewhere I've seen suits made of all netting but wouldn't think they'd be sturdy for doing much.
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Re: Bugs in June?

Post by moss13 »

Try this link then. This is a better picture. This is the color of shirt I have. I love it and it is not too hot as there is a lot of ventilation in them. You can wear a hat under the hood too for better vision as well as it keeps the netting off your face. I bought mine on ebay a year ago and found it 10 to 15 dollars cheaper there but don't know if they have them anymore there. I know they are not cheap but honestly think they are worth the retail price. If you are out somewhere and not prepared I bet I would pay double that if I were getting bit up non stop out on a trip.

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Re: Bugs in June?

Post by Backpacker534 »

...or look at this one. Same concept only the whole thing is made of mesh which happens to make it much cooler to wear on warm days. This is the brand of bug jacket I bought.

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