weather and bugs

Questions regarding Weather, Bugs, Northern Lights and other "natural" phenomena.

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Re: weather and bugs

Post by loreeh »

I just got back last Sun. At times the skeeters were bad. The 3M ultrathon worked well and sometimes hiking in the woods I used my head net as they were buzzing well around my head. on sat the black flies were biting my legs and feet and swelled bad, wish I knew about the vinegar thing then. I was over at hidden lake trying to take pics of moose twins. They were so cute.
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Re: weather and bugs

Post by loreeh »

oh I forget to mention this. I just recently read somewhere that when hiking it's better to be the lead person as they leave a scent and then the bugs tend to bite the person following more. Don't know if that's true as I hiked solo this time.
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Re: weather and bugs

Post by ScoutDad »

3M Ultrathon worked like a charm for me on my previous trips as well.
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Re: weather and bugs

Post by tglowac1 »

just got back from trip during week of Jun 29 - Jul 3.
Bugs we're not like we had expected. Hiked from Rock Harbor down to Moskey, to McCargove, then Greenstone back to Harbor.
Some areas had thick mosquitos, but for the most part not bad.
We used Repel 40% DEET - worked great! Maybe the flies hadn't hatched yet when we went? We had rain the first half of trip, and high's in the low 60's during day, low's in the upper 40's to 50 at night. Awesome trip.
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Re: weather and bugs

Post by fonixmunkee »

tglowac1 wrote:Maybe the flies hadn't hatched yet when we went?
I would suspect that the dry conditions recently thwarted many bugs. But now that it's rained, I would expect them to return in force.
tglowac1 wrote:We had rain the first half of trip, and high's in the low 60's during day, low's in the upper 40's to 50 at night. Awesome trip.
We expect a trip report then!!!
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Re: weather and bugs

Post by mike2000 »

Just got off the island and the tempature was about 10 degress F cooler than ... n=USMI0431 has recorded. I'm basing this on the thermometer outside the Grand Portage Lodge on last monday night and casino and the Windigo ranger station yesterday morning. Both were showing in the mid 40s.

Bugs weren't too bad. Bug repellent took care of most of the mosquitoes . Little Todd has a fly problem. From around noon to dusk there were flies swarming everywhere. Campfire smoke and deet didn't keep these little buggers away. Ugh... Should have packed a fly swatter.
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Re: weather and bugs

Post by kanonen »

We just got back Saturday 25th. We did the Minong from McCargoe to Windigo. I'd like to say that flies/mosquito were INSANE. We averaged 150 bites each person on a 6 day trip. 98% deet didn't do much, the 3M lotion 33% deet didn't do much (even though better than the 98% deet). It does work the 1st 30mn to 1h after applying it but then you have to keep applying again and again and again. And also you have to apply over ALL of your body. I had bug bites in my behind through 2 layers of clothing. It rained on us the 12miles of N. Desor to Windigo and that's where the bugs were CRAZY again CRAZY. They bite through the rain jacket. We applied the mosquito repellent lotion maybe 4 times a day. You have to do that more if you want a bit more protection. With 45 pounds backpacks, fatigue, rain, sweat, we didn't have the will nor the presence of mind to apply more during our hikes. Some flies (the ones that sting the most, i do not know their name, they will bite you right after you apply deet !!!!! Mosquito flie around they go away at first until the deet lessen for them).
There are spots during hikes were mosquito were worst than other places, next to creeks, swamps, beaver ponds etc. Usually and if it is not raining, if you are on the move they bother you less. When you stop they congregate on you.

I will post a report later on on the trip.
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Re: weather and bugs

Post by DonNewcomb »

Did anyone wear any mosquito-proof clothing such as head nets, mosquito-net hoodies, etc?
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Re: weather and bugs

Post by Nitsirk »

IR Mosquitoes can bite through rain jackets?!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: Say it isn't so!!! I hope some of those little suckers die off before I hit the trail in three weeks. I was hoping by mid August they wouldn't be so bad. Now I am worried. :cry: I am pretty allergic to the little suckers and was thinking if it got real bad I'd just wear my rain gear as last resort. Sounds like I need a new plan B. :(
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Re: weather and bugs

Post by kanonen »

DonNewcomb wrote:Did anyone wear any mosquito-proof clothing such as head nets, mosquito-net hoodies, etc?
We did wear head nets. Our worst day hike was when it was raining from a mosquito strandpoint. Once we started hiking we didn't have the nets handy and we weren't sure where they were exactly, so it was our mistake that we didn't use them right away, we also didn't wanna stop in the middle of mosquito territory and get eaten alive. Once we were at a top of a ridge with full rain and wind hence no mosquito we stopped and looked for the nets. So keep'em handy...and apply deet on the covered parts of your body too.
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Re: weather and bugs

Post by DonNewcomb »

Many years ago I purchased a turkey hunter's smock at a close-out sale. It's a hoodie made of camo misquito net with a face veil. I keep it stored in a zip-loc bag with my DEET bottle. The theory is that the smock is saturated with DEET, so I don't need to put the stuff on my skin, except my hands and around my face. So far, it's worked great. I guess I.R. may test the theory.
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Re: weather and bugs

Post by PlowHorse »

All about Deet for me. 100% strength. I like to joke that when I put it on - once I taste it I have just about too much on. Those of you who know understand that 3-4 drops of pure deet ends up somehow in your mouth through your bloodstream - not tasty either.

Anyone else got an update on bugs as of the current timeframe - I will be there the 5th of August.
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