Do it! Similar to last year's trip, though we had a few more days and started at McCargoe. We didn't make Merritt Lane like I would have liked, because we used up an extra day early in the trip. However I don't think I'd ever consider canoeing Blakes Point solo, regardless of conditions. I would love to do it with an experienced partner, however. Considering we had 30+ kt winds the day we left Duncan Narrows it was a no-brainer--the portage it was! Heck we took on water crossing Tobin Harbor!moss13 wrote:Calling John H and Ingo to the courtesy phone!!! Your thoughts please.......
I have 3.8 miles from Merrit Lane to Duncan Narrows, measured off a map with a ruler. I "budget" 2 mph paddling a canoe (w/ 2) for planning purposes, so I would est 2 hrs, assuming all those assumptions are presumptively close to reality. Obviously I've never actually paddled it. But as I've said before, I used to paddle/portage from R.H. to Belle Isle after work, then back the next day, so you can make R.H. in a day from anywhere on the north side if you have to. But back to that solo thing, I do remember paddling from the front of the canoe once from Lane Cove to Belle Isle because of the wind, so do take your solo skills into account (one way or the other).
Yeh, I've been staring at it instead of working the last couple days... (well actually have been working, just wishing I were somewhere else.) Still trying to figure out if a trip is possible this year. Remember you have to get up by 5 for this viewmoss13 wrote:Having Ingo's calendar right by my computer with the Belle Isle sunrise is not helping me much either with my IR itch.