Favorite Mountain House meals

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Re: Favorite Mountain House meals

Post by Ingo »

hooky wrote:
Lucky Chicken wrote:you're welcome ;) happened to me before... had to share
Did some googling on this and I think i'll just keep buying MH deserts. Seems easier than breaking out the seal a meal and all that goes with it.

I haven't liked the couple of Backpackers Pantry meals I've tried--it was a long time ago but it just turned me off--but I LOVE their desserts!
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Re: Favorite Mountain House meals

Post by hooky »

Ingo wrote: I haven't liked the couple of Backpackers Pantry meals I've tried--it was a long time ago but it just turned me off--but I LOVE their desserts!
I'll have to give them a try. I've only done MH, so the BP stuff would be a worthwhile "experiment".
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Re: Favorite Mountain House meals

Post by Lucky Chicken »

gwpruitt wrote:
Lucky Chicken wrote:you cant dehydrate them at home... but you can freeze dry them... slightly less complicated and less efficient method to what MH uses, but it can be done!
To clarify - I think you have it backwards...you can only dehydrate at home - not freeze dry unless you have some very special equipment...Freeze drying involves not only freezing the food - but also holding it under vacuum while slowly increasing the temperature of the food to create the drying process. Same process health companies use to make vaccines (my job).

Yes and no... some things require a quite large vacume... those are not feasable to freeze dry at home, but with enough freezer space and a wine pump or desicant you can make a lot of things... Apples and strawberrys are failry easy to freeze dry without any special equipment. http://www.instructables.com/id/Freeze-Dry-At-Home/
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Re: Favorite Mountain House meals

Post by Tightlines01 »

First trip where I used exclusively Mt House style suppers. I fully agree with 5 rating on the stroganoff and the chicken breast with mashed taters. Those chicken breasts were HUGE.
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Re: Favorite Mountain House meals

Post by head2north »

Thought I would FYI everyone about Mountain House product sale for July 2014 at :

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Re: Favorite Mountain House meals

Post by Midwest Ed »

I would like to point out that Mountain House prices have recently been dramatically reduced. I think maybe all the "Preppers" have slowed down and the distributors are temporarily overstocked. Several online distributors are offering deals of as much as 50% off. If your group is large enough or you have multiple trips planned you might justify the larger #10 cans for the greatest value. Each #10 can holds the equivalent of 5 pouches. They last much longer unopened (25 years vs. 10 years for pouches). Repakaged in Ziplock bags, they will last a few weeks un-refrigerated. Longer if refrigerated. The distributor head2north linked to is a good example.
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Re: Favorite Mountain House meals

Post by Rafiki »

I just never could get into digging Mountain House, Backpacker Pantry, or Mary Jane's Farm freeze dried meals. I don't like choking my food down. All that stuff tastes heinous to me. I'd rather do like Hooky and try to create my own dehydrated meals before I waste good money on bad food.
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Re: Favorite Mountain House meals

Post by tree rattt »

Ya'll dun peaked my curiosity! ;) Goonna haf ta try one a them darn things! I do my own food as well but I will snag one just to try it ....at least if it is nasty I won't be out too long.....not that I couldn't miss a few meals!! ;)

I am really a fan of the Knorr pasta sides ....or something of the sort
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Re: Favorite Mountain House meals

Post by Rafiki »

I could get on the Knorr brand of things, but I have seriously tried almost a dozen and a half mountain house meals. a dozen backpacker pantry meals, and half a dozen Mary Jane Farms meals. Sure is there a couple of them that initially taste good. Yes. However, after the half way point, they all start tasting disgusting. And once I come to that conclusion, my opinion doesn't change the following day. All of a sudden something that tasted good half way through the day before, tastes that dung right from the get go. Not that I do, but I'd rather live off of pop tarts and trail mix and have no hot meals regardless if I was given a free weeks supply of whatever MH, BP, MJF wanted to throw at me.
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Re: Favorite Mountain House meals

Post by Midwest Ed »

Rafiki wrote:. . . . after the half way point, they all start tasting disgusting.

You have to add boiling water to reconstitute them before they enter your stomach. :oops: Sorry, I couldn't resist.


Actually, in order to save money, my recent meals have all been derived from grocery store microwavable dehydrated "instant" meals that I repackage in zip lock bags. There's a lot more out there now other than Knorr soup mix and Ramen noodles. I'll spruce things up with some shavings from bacon bars or hard block cheese or summer sausage/salami.
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Re: Favorite Mountain House meals

Post by Rafiki »

Was that why things were so crunchy and hard to chew through? Midwest what would I do without your wisdom :roll: :D
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Re: Favorite Mountain House meals

Post by Tampico »

Avoid the Raspberry Crumble...terrible.
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Re: Favorite Mountain House meals

Post by Rafiki »

Too late Tampico :evil:
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Re: Favorite Mountain House meals

Post by Lucky Chicken »

I'm with you Rafiki... give me camp stroganoff any day! I dont put any of the optional stuff, it is good enough that I have been known to bring it to work for lunch from time to time.

Camp Stroganoff
1 package beef-flavored Ramen (including seasoning)
1/4 cup dehydrated ground beef
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon paprika
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/4 cup dehydrated vegetables
individual packet (about a tablespoon) cream cheese
1-2 packets soy sauce

1. At home: Combine all dry ingredients in a 1-quart freezer bag.
2. On the trail: Boil water and then pour into bag until all ingredients are covered. Let the mixture sit for 5 minutes and then stir in cream cheese. Close the bag and let sit for another 5 minutes.
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Re: Favorite Mountain House meals

Post by tree rattt »

Stroganoff recipe looks good! Maybe I will give it a shot this weekend! :)
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