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Re: TR: 5/4-5/12, 2013 [Paddling] [Rock Harbor area]

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 5:11 am
by johnhens
Enjoying the pics and video, looking forward to Hay Bay!!

Re: TR: 5/4-5/12, 2013 [Paddling] [Rock Harbor area]

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 7:14 pm
by MikeT
I have posted the page for Day 4 of the trip.
It can be found at:

Re: TR: 5/4-5/12, 2013 [Paddling] [Rock Harbor area]

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 12:42 pm
by MikeT
I have posted the page for Day 5 of the trip.
It can be found at:

Re: TR: 5/4-5/12, 2013 [Paddling] [Rock Harbor area]

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 7:44 pm
by MikeT
An update on the trip report...
I have some more days ready, but I have used up the space on my current server and I am switching it over to a bigger and faster one :D
As soon as I switch it, I will be posting more.

Also, as I switch, the existing days will not display (and my website will be down) for short period (hopefully). So, if you try it and it does not work, try again later.

Sorry for the delay, but it is something I have been meaning to do for awhile.

Re: TR: 5/4-5/12, 2013 [Paddling] [Rock Harbor area]

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 11:33 am
by MikeT
Ok, after much delay, some minor and major headaches, my site has been moved to a brand new, bigger and faster server :D
Hopefully most of the bugs have been worked out. The good news is this will allow me to add some new content to the site and will allow for the addition of some new multimedia to both the site and the book. Look forward to some cool stuff in the future.

Anyway, the trip report is now posted in it's entirety. It is on a separate page.
You can find it at:

If you find any problems, please email me and let me know. It turned into quite a project and I tried my best to test everything, but may have missed something.

Re: TR: 5/4-5/12, 2013 [Paddling] [Rock Harbor area]

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 5:18 pm
by Rafiki
You've taken things to a whole new level with that GoPro Mike. I'm thinking I might just live vicariously through your videos and reports from here on out and make use of my vacation time doing something else. People that do not have the opportunity to visit the island due to their own personal reasons are lucky to have Nancy and you on here. With how well you document things, it almost feels as though we are right there in the boat with Nancy and you. Well done brother!