Favorite Mountain House meals

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Re: Favorite Mountain House meals

Post by tree rattt »

Never tried cream cheese in the hot of summer.....how does it hold up? Or Is this a first night out kinda thing?
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Re: Favorite Mountain House meals

Post by Tampico »

tree rattt wrote:Never tried cream cheese in the hot of summer.....how does it hold up? Or Is this a first night out kinda thing?
You need to find cream cheese in the individual packets (like ketchup) or in the little cups. They don't require refrigeration.

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Re: Favorite Mountain House meals

Post by tree rattt »

Wow, cool I didn't even know that those existed,where to find?
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Re: Favorite Mountain House meals

Post by Tampico »

tree rattt wrote:Wow, cool I didn't even know that those existed,where to find?
You can find them online, but unfortunately you have to buy in bulk.

Where do you live? Do you have a Brueggers Bagels or Einstien Bagels near you? These kind of places usually have them. You can also find them at hotels and many restaurants.

I grab 'em when I can find them and leave a buck or two extra for a tip.
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Re: Favorite Mountain House meals

Post by Lucky Chicken »

what Tampico said... but I leave it out, I dont need anything softening the spice ;)
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Re: Favorite Mountain House meals

Post by head2north »

The July Mountain House Sale at http://beprepared.com/#default ends Thursday.
An additional offer from this site is free shipping for orders over $75. The code
for this offer is freeship75

I usually purchase #10 cans of meats and prepare my own meals with dehydrated
vegetables and powdered sauces from grocery store.
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Re: Favorite Mountain House meals

Post by LeftOvers »

Midwest Ed wrote: I'll spruce things up with some shavings from bacon bars ...
What's a bacon bar? Back in the Colin Fletcher, The Complete Walker days you could get bacon bars from Wilson's Meats, I think it was, through sporting goods stores. Where do you buy them?

As to freeze drying at home, I haven't tried it but I found a few "how-to's":
http://www.ehow.com/how_6982662_freeze- ... -home.html
and this one for ice cream
http://www.ehow.com/how_5114554_make-fr ... cream.html
Once you go to one of the eHow links, you'll see a lot more articles.
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Re: Favorite Mountain House meals

Post by Midwest Ed »

LeftOvers wrote:
Midwest Ed wrote: I'll spruce things up with some shavings from bacon bars ...
What's a bacon bar? Back in the Colin Fletcher, The Complete Walker days you could get bacon bars from Wilson's Meats, I think it was, through sporting goods stores. Where do you buy them
:evil: WHAT! You can't buy bacon bars anymore? :evil:


Actually, I can't remember the last one I bought. I use bacon bits now. The original bacon bars were great. That 3 ounce bar was an entire pound of bacon. I think all they did was cook it, add some additional curing (i.e. salt) and press it into a small cube. Think bacon jerky but not stringy like regular beef jerky. Since it wasn't freeze dried it, it needed no reconstitution with water. You could take a bite from the bar but it was hard enough that it was easier to carve or shave some off with your knife.

There are bacon bits today that are both freeze dried and not. I think freeze dried bacon bits have more fat and they need to be added to hot liquid food (or reconstitute separately).

Costco carries Kirkland bacon bits. I'm sure others do to or just make your own with a dehydration finish. You need to cook out the fat (without burning it) if you want to keep it unrefrigerated for very long.


Emergency Essentials carries a freeze dried version.


I found this article on making your own dehydrated bacon

Do it yourself dehydrated bacon

p.s. Colin Fletcher was my original inspiration.

p.p.s I was in Des Moines last night and discovered Buzzard Billys. The fusion of Cajun and Iowa cuisine. Jalapeno and pepper-jack stuffed shrimp then (of course) bacon wrapped and deep fried. :D :D :D :D
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Re: Favorite Mountain House meals

Post by hooky »

How did I miss the reference to bacon bars?

And why doesn't anyone sell bacon bars anymore?

I have tried using Bac~o's , but they were a travesty, a sham and a mockery of all that's good about bacon.

I've tried dehydrating bacon, but I seem to have just as much luck frying it very crisp and blotting it with a paper towel while it's still hot. I've found it needs to be used within the first couple of days on the trail. I don't usually bother with it any more.
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Re: Favorite Mountain House meals

Post by tree rattt »

If it is bacon u are looking for. Oscar meyer makes a fully cooked shelf stable bacon 12 slices and weighs in at about 2.5 ounces .....about 3 bucks....wally world has it out on the floor some where ......generally by the eggs or by the sausage and hams. Enough for 2 decent sandwhiches . Pretty decent stuff.
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Re: Favorite Mountain House meals

Post by tree rattt »

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Re: Favorite Mountain House meals

Post by GoofyGirl »

The corn is the best but one can't buy the 2 serving pack anymore, you have to buy the canister. It is yummy, sweet and crisp. Highly recommended!!
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Re: Favorite Mountain House meals

Post by Tortuga »

I'm about 2 years late to the conversation, but I have a very clear "Top 3" that make it on every trip. I usually do a couple week-long trips per year and use a mix of freeze dried and other instant-style meals like mashed taters, stove-top, and pasta sides.

Chili Mac, Beef Stroganoff, and Spaghetti with Meat Sauce.

My "favorite" is lasagna, but I found out the hard way that the cheese sauce is not compatible with a titanium spoon.

Lately I've also been ordering from http://www.packitgourmet.com/. Ramen Rescue and West Memphis Grits are amazing. The banana pudding dessert is to die for. It's pricey, but it's not a giant company and they make really good stuff.
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Re: Favorite Mountain House meals

Post by 3MTA3 »

Beef stroganoff with some of the Idahoan instant potatoes (that comes in the $1 packet) mixed in is great.
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Re: Favorite Mountain House meals

Post by thesneakymonkey »

check out packit gourmet, wayyyy tastier than Mtn house.
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