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Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 10:57 am
by jerry
If anyone can share their notes/diary of events for their time on the Minong I would appreciate it. If you have pictures to share that's what sucks me in. One person has already shared and I hope he knows I really appreciate that. I've viewed all comments/pictures so far and they have me interested.

I've talked to a lot of great folks on the trails of Isle Royale. Look forward to seeing some of you this year. I'll probably be solo hiking again.

Jerry (the old man)

Re: Minong

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 12:20 pm
by Backpacker534

My buddy and hiked the Minong from McCargo Cove to Windigo in 2001. I was a great hike. The thing I remember most was all the ups and downs to and from the ridge. The ridge itself was a fairly rocky trek but, not too bad. The hike itself was more remote than other hikes I've done on the island but, that kinda adds to the magic of the Minong. I wrote about our hike and posted it on my website if you are interested in getting a feel for that route. I also posted quite a few photos from that trip.

Minong Ridge Hike 2001 ... 01ir_1.php

Enjoy the hike!

Re: Minong

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 5:51 am
by jerry
Thanks for the link to your website! Nice, nice site. If I ever see you I owe you a brew or two. Now I'm really getting interested in Minong.

If anyone else has notes/diary for this trail and pictures, I'd love to see them.

Re: Minong

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 3:58 pm
by Backpacker534
Jerry, I'm glad it helped you out. Don't know if we'll run into each other but, if we do it would be nice to visit with you. Enjoy your trip. Be sure to post a trip report and/or photos of your hike. I'd be interested in learning how it went.

Re: Minong

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 4:04 pm
by jerry
If I'm able to do it this year, I'll post a report for sure and hopefully some pictures too. Thanks again!

Re: Minong

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 4:52 pm
by JonG
Most folks here would tell you that all the trails on IR are great, but I would venture that all who have done the Minong would tell you that it is the best long trail on the island. Most challenging, yes; but the rewards are proportionate to the challenge. If you start at McCargo, your first day to Todd Harbor is not too hard...well if you're in decent shape anyway. If you choose Little Todd as your 2nd night destination, your 2nd day will be much the same as your first.Little Todd to N.Lake Desor on your third day is pretty challenging, there are what seems endless ups and downs, many fairly steep and if the ridge is wet, footing can be tricky. Get up early at N.Lake Desor and filter at least 3 liters of water because you have a long day ahead. You may want to go right into Washington Creek Campground[Windigo] but I highly recommend staying at Hugginnen Cove if it fits your schedule. Have a grand trip! I know that the planning is half the fun, so keep us posted on your plans.


Re: Minong

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 5:24 pm
by jerry
Thanks Jon! A recurring theme about that Little Todd to N. Desor day. I'll keep that and the water issue from N. Desor to Wash. Creek in my plans. I also plan to hit Hugginen Cove on the last day if at all possible. I'm thinking of going from McCargo (hopefully) starting on a Monday and returning to Grand Portage on Sunday.

Re: Minong

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:37 pm
by jkahler
I've hiked it from the intersection between Todd and Little Todd (I did a loop from the Greenstone) back to Washington Harbor.
I saw a bull moose just off the trail on the way to little todd. About 5 minutes later another one took off running close to me but I didn't see it, just heard the loud crashing of it. The next day I saw a Cow and what was probably a year old calf moose on the trail leading to N.Desor camp. Pretty exciting!

Beautiful trail, I wish it wasn't raining the morning I left N.Desor for the Washington shelters. I really enjoyed the narrow high ridges on the way to Little Todd.

I have a few pics of the Minong trail here;

Re: Minong

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 8:06 am
by Backpacker534

Your experience sounds pretty familiar to me. It began to rain the morning we left North Desor and rained constantly, all day, until just before we arrived at the Washington shelters. We arrived soaking wet and cold. Not a stitch of clothing we were wearing was dry and everything inside our packs was wet as well, including our sleeping bags. That was before we learned the lesson of putting a garbage bag inside of our backpacks and placing all our gear inside the bag as an extra barrier against rain.

Re: Minong

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 2:16 pm
by jerry

Appreciate the pictures and comments. Wish it was time to head up north!


I'm with you about having my stuff in a garbage bag to protect against rain/dampness. I even double bag the sleeping bag. Thanks again for your comments gentlemen.

Re: Minong

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:49 pm
by jkahler
I packed all of my things in the outhouse at N.Desor to get out of the rain. Wouldn't you know it, a tent pole got stuck and I sat out there in the rain fighting it. lol. I think it had stopped raining about 45 minutes into the day. My tent was wet and heavy. Also saw a pileated woodpecker on about 3/4 of the way back to Windigo.

Almost got lost here. People had made a false trail leading to the right that dead ended after 10 feet. I went back to the creek and you could barely see the correct trail on the left.

Wet, sore legs and heels and I spent $16 on food at the store in Windigo when I got there. Man did that taste good! My trip was 6/2009.

Re: Minong

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:31 am
by jerry
Thanks for this tip. In addition to the rock cairns, how else did they mark/ID the trail. Were there any orange markings or paint as I read in the book about ISRO?

Re: Minong

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 12:54 am
by jkahler
There were sporadic rock cairns. When on the ridge itself I just walked until it dead-ended and then looked for the trail that lead through the woods and back up to the ridge.

There was one little hill between N.Desor and Windigo that once I climbed it (I think it switchbacked and was kind of bouldery..if that narrows it down!) I couldn't figure out where to go. After a minute or two of walking around I figured it out. That was heading east to west, going the other direction I don't think it would have been an issue.

Usually you can just go where you think the trail should go, and you'll be fine.

I didn't see any signs or blazes to mark the trail other than one really old blaze on a tree and that was it.

Re: Minong

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 7:36 pm
by jerry

Again, I appreciate the details/responses. I'll remember that crossing if the winter snows don't wash out that high tech bridge. Your comment with the picture reminds me in '08 hiking down the Ishpeming Trail going to Malone Bay. There were 2 or 3 times coming off the rocky trail where you had to find the trail in the woods. It usually took me from 1 to several minutes to find the path. If I can stay healthy, I'm looking forward to this trail.

Re: Minong

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 9:01 pm
by Tom
For marking the trail, you'll find it easy enough when it drops off the ridges and travels through the woods. Up on the rocks, it's pretty much cairns, although after a while you get used to how you tend to always walk up one angle of ridge and back down the same south face, so you somewhat get an idea where the trail should be..
There are a few, limited places where you may find the orange paint; to the best of my knowledge that was the marking system long ago and is no longer maintained. The paint is pretty faded..

I know of EXACTLY the spot Jkahler references between N. Desor and Washington Creek. You come to a spot where you climb up a steep incline, pretty much needing hands to help you. The path REALLY looks like it should go right, and there is even an opening in the trees. All I can say is GO LEFT. It's not until you climb up and over another set of boulders (about waist high, from what I recall, just enough it's tough to see past them) that it becomes evident that the trail continues that way..

Of course, I laughed at his picture of the bridge (yes, that's a bridge on the Minong) right before you get to Little Todd. When I was there in June 2007, there had been plenty of rain, and so the bridge was 'floating' more than anything, and the water over waist deep. See atttached..
I'm trying to find the TR I wrote up, but for now, enjoy the pictures at: