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Beavers, anyone?

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 8:33 pm
by hummingbird
Hi all,
Beyond hoping to catch a glimpse of a moose, I would really like to see a beaver in the wild. I've seen reference to beaver in many published sources on Isle Royale, but nothing specific. Can anyone share which bodies of water would be best to see beavers in action? Also any hints about the best time of day - early morning? mid-day? evening? Our itinerary will be in the McCargoe, Chickenbone, Lake Richie area.
Any advice would be helpful to the quest.

Re: Beavers, anyone?

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 10:24 pm
by srparr
On my first back country trip to the island I visited Lane Cove, and there was a beaver lodge visible from the path. Passed by it about 7 pm and again around noon two days later, but didn't see any of the beavers.

There are also a couple beaver dams along the western leg of the Minong trail, between North Lake Desor and Washington Creek.

Re: Beavers, anyone?

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 7:58 pm
by Keweenaw
If you find a place with freshly chewed sticks and felled trees hang around quietly near dusk.


Re: Beavers, anyone?

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 1:17 pm
by greg
Beaver numbers are way down on the island. In past years I have seen them as I approached Lane Cove, off of the Huginnin Trail, and in Chickenbone Lake. However, in recent years I never see beaver anymore. I believe one of your best opportunities would be in the Chickenbone Lake area but I don't believe there are many beaver left on the island.