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Why do you go backpacking?

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:24 pm
by dmercer
First let me say that I am new to this forum and find it a great place for information and to learn from others experiences.

As I prepare for my second trip to Isle Royale (8/20-8/26) questions and comments with similar themes bounce around in my head. All asked by my wife, family, friends and others who know that I am going to be spending my vacation time backpacking in the middle of know where with only the basics to survive while I am there. I am sure you have all heard them too. Questions like – Isn’t that hard? – What’s fun about that? – That’s too much like work!! – You have to do what?! Where!? – Why do you want to do that? That’s not a real vacation!!

I have only been doing this for a couple of years now and sometimes I ask myself the same questions. I have never able to come up with one simple answer for them other than “I want to”. For me I find there are to many reasons to do it – experiencing the beauty and solitude of nature, the physical and mental challenge of accomplishing something you didn’t think possible and disconnecting from the daily stress of work (I am a computer guy) are some that come to mind.

I guess the root question becomes – Why do you go backpacking?

So I would like to pose that question to all on this forum to see what motivates you to do this too – Why do you go backpacking?

Re: Why do you go backpacking?

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 2:18 pm
by greg
What a great question. I have backpacked in a variety of places but Isle Royale is the place I keep returning to. In September I will make my 24th trip to the Island, each of which has been a backpacking excursion. After my September trip I will have covered by foot over 1200 miles on the island. I backpack because being in a wilderness location frees my spirit, tests my body & mind, and provides a wonderful closeness to the natural world. Hiking is a physical and mental endeavor and being on the trail provides me with some of the most important moments in my life. Yes, I love my family and cherish time with them, but I also love the woods, fields, lakes, and hills that a hiker encounters. Sitting on a ridge, looking out at the vast landscape and Lake Superior, I feel close to the immeasurable universe. Simply put, I hike because I love to hike and because it affords me an opportunity to feel part of the amazing beauty that is life, nature, and the world we live in. Greg Romaneck

Re: Why do you go backpacking?

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 2:51 pm
by jerry
Greg said it well for "Why we go backpacking".

Re: Why do you go backpacking?

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 11:17 am
by dmercer

great answer. I can relate to it 100%

Re: Why do you go backpacking?

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 11:28 pm
by Tampico
What else would I do with all this camping crap I have?

Re: Why do you go backpacking?

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 9:38 am
by DonNewcomb
Very though provoking question.

My father was an avid hunter and fisherman. I was raised on hunting and fishing. I've always enjoyed being outdoors and shooting but as a teen ager I began to question the whole idea of the chase. It seemed to me to be a very inefficient way to gather food. We seemed to spend a huge amount of time and money to gather a very small amount of mediocre food. The hunting dogs alone ate more food than ever we killed. My mother did not particularly like cooking game and while she was a good cook she was not very good at game. I must have spit a ton of shot out on my plate while eating duck, squirrel and rabbit.

Anyway, as an adult I gave up hunting and divided my interests by taking up target shooting and backpacking. If I want to shoot, I shoot. If I want to be outdoors, uncomfortable, wet, cold, miserable, etc. I go backpacking. It's basically my only real motivation for trying to keep in shape.

Re: Why do you go backpacking?

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 10:11 pm
by kfinnguy
Its been so long since I've been on here. But Im suffering IR withdrawl and I need my fix, hopefully I'm going this summer. But besides that, I go backpacking because of the beauty of all the nature and the accomplishment of working to get to see that view. Sure you could drive and see a nice view but if you dont sweat and work your but off to get there, you dont get the sense of accomplishment that it gives you.

Re: Why do you go backpacking?

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 7:48 am
by fonixmunkee
Old thread, I know, but this made me remember why I go backpacking this morning:
Photo courtesy of Andrew Krueger
Photo courtesy of Andrew Krueger
Also, this article. Even though I don't dive, it made me thing of how bad i want to get back out to IR: ... -superior/

Re: Why do you go backpacking?

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 6:37 am
by LeftOvers
Great question! Backpacking puts me entirely in the moment, surrounded by the most beautiful parts of this world. Like Greg, it frees my spirit. It's just me, the weather, the trail and the others sharing this experience. There aren't many places where all you hear is the wind and the call of the birds.

Isle Royale, wilderness, teaches the true meaning of harmony. Backpacking is my attempt to be a quiet part of that.