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Windigo-Feldtmann loop question

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 10:48 am
by echiker
am planning a trip to IR this year. Thinking of doing Windigo-Feldtmann lake route and greenstone ridge back to Windigo. Would like some input as to how difficult Feldtmann lake to siskiwit bay segment is. I am experienced packer, bout mid 50 and in decent shape. Some of what i read makes it sound difficult--other sources not so much. Would appreciate thoughts from anyone who has done it. Thanks.

Re: windigo loop question

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 11:44 am
by Tom
"It's relative"

I guess it depends on where you've hiked before, and if anywhere else on the Isle. This isn't a mountain range, but it's not flat plains, either. I personally don't find that segment too difficult, it's certainly not the hardest on the island. Going from Feldtmann to Siskiwit (in that direction) there is really just one spot I can recall where you need to climb up the ridge away from the lake (Feldtmann) so there is a somewhat steep incline. From there, you are somewhat on the ridge for a bit, and you'll have the firetower to serve as a place to take a break. From there it's a pretty slight slope decline to Siskiwit bay; in fact at one time a part of that was an old roadbed or rail bed, I beleive.
There is, of course, the distance. It's just over 10 miles, which for some folks is pushing what they want to hike in a day. For others, they like more. As for me, my Isle Royale mileage "hiking with pack on" translator works as such:
<6 miles: Awww, I need to do something. I'm restless.
6-10 miles: I feel good about my day of hiking, but I'm ready to make camp, drop the pack, and explore.
10-12 miles: Ok, my body wants a break, think I'll just rest in my tent for a little bit...zzzzzz
12+ miles: Oh, for goodness sake, I've gone up and down @#^&%#@ times on this stupid Minong trail since I left Lake Desor, would Windigo just appear already?!?

Welcome to the forums, BTW!

Re: Windigo-Feldtmann loop question

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 1:04 pm
by fonixmunkee
Hey echiker, welcome to the forum.

I've made the Windigo-Feldtmann loop (more commonly known as the "Feldtmann loop") many times. As a matter of fact, I'll be doing the same trip at the end of May.

I prefer to do it counter-clockwise because I like spending two days at Feldtmann Lake. It's a beautiful, remote area. Great fishing. That's the only difference; the hike itself isn't hard at all. The segments, in my view go:

Windigo to Feldtmann Lake/Feldtmann to Windigo segment: You get a 7-8 mile up-and-down trek regardless of the direction. The only thing that sucks about it is the trail is covered with tree roots in some of the more coniferous parts.
Feldtmann Lake to Siskiwit Bay/Siskiwit Bay to Feldtmann Lake segment: The longest and most arduous of the hikes. It's 11.2 miles if memory serves, and you have to go up and back down the Feldtmann Ridge...but along the way, you will get some magnificent views of both Lake Superior and the rest of Isle Royale. What up-and-down there is is out-weighed by the amazing views you get at the top.
Siskiwit Bay to Windgo/Windigo to Siskiwit Bay: Another decently long haul, but relatively easy. (Notice I said nothing about a stop at Island Mine for this segment...I do not recommend camping there. It's a "boring part" of the island, there's usually a lot of bugs, and no good water source except a dirty creek. Push through to Windigo or Siskiwit bay.) This goes along Isle Royale's "super highway," the Greenstone, which is an easy hike to anyone. After you hit the Island Mine junction, you get to descend all the way to Lake Superior, which is a nice, gradual decline. Then you are treated to walking along the lake until you reach Siskiwit Bay campground. On the way, be sure to stop at the old Island Mine and see the old steam locomotive, and see if you can find the old powder house on the point near Siskiwit Bay.

Hopefully that can answer your questions and help you decide. We love doing the Feldtmann loop because it's remote, relatively easy, has great fishing (at Lake Feldtmann), amazing views, and is really the "whole package" of Isle Royale in one. Plus, it's a "cheap trip" because you only have to pay for arrival/departures to Windigo!

Good luck in your planning, and have fun with it!

Re: Windigo-Feldtmann loop question

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 1:56 pm
by Rafiki
(Notice I said nothing about a stop at Island Mine for this segment...I do not recommend camping there. It's a "boring part" of the island, there's usually a lot of bugs, and no good water source except a dirty creek. Push through to Windigo or Siskiwit bay.)
And just in case you read between the lines, let me quote that passage for you one more time :lol: I have only passed by the site, but have heard nothing but negative things about island mine. Lack of a good water source has been the most predominant characteristic. That dirty creek that Fox speaks of has even sometimes been dried out according to what I have heard from other visitors to the island. In any case, heed Fox's warning, he hit everything on the head with what he told you.

Re: Windigo-Feldtmann loop question

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 2:16 pm
by IncaRoads
I like Island Mine. I was there in September when the hardwoods were beginning to change color. The little creek is actually the headwaters of the Little Siskiwit River. It was running low and a bit cloudy but I was still able to acquire the water I needed. Granted, this interior campsite has no grandiose views except those of a mature hardwood forest, but I like that type of experience once in a while.

Re: Windigo-Feldtmann loop question

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 2:28 pm
by drobarge
Oh come on. A "BAD" site on the island....really? Go camp under an overpass and then compare it to Island Mine. :roll:

Re: Windigo-Feldtmann loop question

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 6:25 pm
by Tom
drobarge wrote:Oh come on. A "BAD" site on the island....really? Go camp under an overpass and then compare it to Island Mine. :roll:
That's so true. However, I sometimes wonder as rocky and open East Chickenbone is, it might be just like an overpass...
Every park has to have it's least desired campsite, it's 'armpit' if you will, and to me that's East Chickenbone. It doesn't have a season to redeem it.
I'll agree with IncaRoads, though. In the fall, during full color, Island Mine can be spectacular. Very few other campsites where you get that number of maples... And it's nearly ALL maples. Desor North (although I haven't been there in September) I would guess is close to the same.

Re: Windigo-Feldtmann loop question

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 7:07 pm
by echiker
Thanks everyone. The info makes me feel more comfortable about my planning. I will think about the counter-clock wise option. BTW this is a great forum-picking up lots of good info!

Re: Windigo-Feldtmann loop question

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 7:28 pm
by Rafiki
Every park has to have it's least desired campsite, it's 'armpit' if you will, and to me that's East Chickenbone.
More like the 'butt crack' of Isle Royale :shock: The walk to the lake for water resupplies combined with the copious amount of bugs in the summer make this site less tolerable than others.

Re: Windigo-Feldtmann loop question

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 8:58 am
by MikeT
There is a complete description and profile of the Feldtmann Ridge trail on my site at the link below.

As far as Island Mine, I personally like it and choose it over going to Windigo. It makes for a nice place to spend a last night is the backcountry in front of a fire before going into the "city" and back to the real world. I have never had a problem with water and have only heard of it "drying up" once since 1996. In the fall, it is beautiful. The stretch from Island Mine to Windigo is a breeze and can be done quickly.

As far as East Chickenbone, this is the one I have always picked as the worst site on the island. My first time there in 1999 I thought it was awful. Since then the foliage has filled in and it is a bit better. However, the water access is still a long treck and can be particulary terrible when wet.

Re: Windigo-Feldtmann loop question

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 2:37 pm
by Ingo
No, we're not going to push on past Island Mine this summer. I'm going to have to stay, just so I can join the forum fray :twisted: .

Re: Windigo-Feldtmann loop question

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 11:32 pm
by Rafiki
Mike does make a good point. If you're a campfire kind of guy, campfires are allowed on Island Mine grounds. So there is one positive aspect of Island Mine. See I knew it wasn't all bad :) Now if I could only think of something that is fantastic about East Chickenbone....ehhh....ummmm...ahhhh....I'll get back to you on that note.

Re: Windigo-Feldtmann loop question

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 9:29 am
by MikeT
I can think of two good things about East Chickenbone.
1- There is/was some good furniture ( and logs) to sit on.
2- People avoid it so you can usually have it to yourself. Plus, if you go to site #3 you are almost guaranteed a wilderness feel.

These factors do not out weigh the negatives, and are not fantastic things, but are the only positives I can come up with.