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Wood Lake and Hay Bay Foot Access

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:29 am
by Rafiki
I was thinking about trying to access each of these campgrounds by foot and have several questions.

Lets begin with Wood Lake. I thought about try to access it from Malone Bay in Late September. It appears as though this is legal to do at this time of year. The topography on the map suggests that I might have some ridges that I have to walk over or around. I haven't looked over the map thoroughly enough yet, but I am thinking about giving it a go. Thoughts?

Onto Hay Bay. I was thinking about trying to access it from Siskiwit Bay Campgrounds. I was very excited about doing so because the land looks flat without many inclines or declines. Then I took the opportunity to look over the 2006 backcountry map (appears to be the most recent version) and it seems as though there is no backcountry hiking in this area at any point in the season. This is a huge let down considering how easy the terrain looked on the map. Can anyone explain, why, of the 1% of the island that does not allow for backcountrying hiking on it at any point in the season, that this particular spot falls in the small minority? Thanks.

Re: Wood Lake and Hay Bay Foot Access

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:34 am
by Nym90
My understanding is that the entire island is open to hiking, so long as you stay away from loon nests. It's only backcountry camping that is prohibited in certain areas and at particular times.

Re: Wood Lake and Hay Bay Foot Access

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 10:21 am
by Rafiki
You appear to be correct. Thank you for putting emphasis on this matter. This is great news because I did not intend to do any backcountry camping. Therefore, not only do I not have to worry about the restrictions that apply to certain areas (namely the Hay Bay section), I do not think I even have to get a backcountry permit. With that out of the way, does anyone have any further thoughts on what the hikes will be like to Wood Lake and Hay Bay? Are they doable? I hope that the Hay Bay hike will be as easy as it looks while I am still uncertain about how Wood Lake path.

Re: Wood Lake and Hay Bay Foot Access

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:03 pm
by johnhens
In the recent past I know there was a small group of guys who hiked X-country from Malone to Chippewa. They had a rough time as there are places where the trees are thick.
We walked the shoreline at Malone to Hat Island. Some places you could walk the shore, other places we went inland a little. Very thick trees in places. We also walked the water quite a bit.

We also hiked about an hour from Malone towards Hay Bay, the shoreline was the same.

Re: Wood Lake and Hay Bay Foot Access

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:23 pm
by Rafiki
John had a little mishap when making a reply to my post below and wrote his reply within my post rather than creating a new post of his own. The first paragraph was a further question I had about hiking to Hay Bay and Wood Lake. The second paragraph below is his respone to my question.

Rafiki (I) Wrote the Following:
In the areas where trees were thick and you had to venture inland to continue forward, was the Lake Superior waters always within your view or at least the sound of the waters or did you have to go in so deep that nothing but trees were exhibited around you?

John Wrote in Reply:
We were never far from the water, it was calm so there were no waves to make noise. In places we were no more than 20 yards from the water yet could not see it. I had a compass and map with me that helped ofr orientation.
We did not intend to hike to Hay Bay, we were going to paddle there but got distracted by fishing Siskiwit.

Re: Wood Lake and Hay Bay Foot Access

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 9:56 pm
by porter
Why even bother posting this question when there is most likely a perfectly capable goshawk waiting to show you the way??? :lol:

Re: Wood Lake and Hay Bay Foot Access

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:54 pm
by Rafiki
Good point Porter. My only concern is what if all of the Goshawks that were busy protecting their young earlier in the season are now too busy teaching the same young how to fly. I was lucky that the one I met was willing to abadon here nest for a couple of moments to show me the way, but what guarantees do I have that I will bump into an equally kind-hearted goshawk that will take the time out of her day to show me the way this time? If you think it is highly likely that I will come accross such a bird, well then, per your advice, I guess I will roll the dice.

Ha Ha Ha Porter, you put the biggest smile on my face tonight. Thanks man :)

Re: Wood Lake and Hay Bay Foot Access

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 4:28 pm
by honouredamongfoxes
First post (developing my 4th trip; great site folks!): I'm sure some of you are at least as experienced, but my kayak-observations of Lake Sis's south shore is that it looks brutal! Lots of deep ravine-like breaks in the rock, heavy timber - from shoreline looked impregnable. But maybe not - maybe there's meadow up high like on the hike west from Malone Bay. Ah, Google Earth!