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Ridge trail or loop???

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 10:38 pm
by cmbleskachek1
Hello all you wonderfully knowledgeable and engaged Isle Royale fans!!!
Here's my rather broad question: We just made ferry reservations for our first trip to Isle Royale this July. We are coming in Friday and leaving the following Saturday on the Ranger III, so we have a week of hiking - me, my husband and our two boys (14 and 10)
Originally, we were planning to hike the length of the ridge trail and catch a ferry/taxi back to rock harbor (or ferry/taxi first, then hike)
HOWEVER, the logistics on that are kind of a hassle, and it seems like we'd be giving up some pretty great scenery and camping in order to focus on that through hike.
So my question is: If you had a week on the island starting at Rock Harbor, would you focus on the ridge trail or would you say screw it and do a loop instead? This will likely be our only family trip to the island, so I'd greatly appreciate thoughts!!!!!
Thanks for any input, opinions, experiences etc.!!! Finding this forum to be very helpful!
Cynthia B
Minneapolis, MN

Re: Ridge trail or loop???

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 4:21 am
by Tightlines01
If this is your only trip to the island I wouldn't worry about the entire greenstone (assuming that's what you mean by the ridge). I'd do a loop and enjoy some of the Lake Superior campgrounds.

The 10 year old may enjoy an evening presentation at daisy farm.
Perhaps take the long way between daisy farm and 3 mile campground (up onto the greenstone ridge and back down). This will give you a good feel of the greenstone and some great views of it.
I'd recommend Moskey or Chipewa Harbor and McCargoe cove campgrounds. I tend to like the camps right on superior the best as opposed to the inland campgrounds.

Enjoy your trip!

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Re: Ridge trail or loop???

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 9:42 am
by JerryB
I agree with Tightlines. Doing a loop instead of the Greenstone is no sacrifice. Consider Moskey, Chippewa, McCargo and maybe lane Cove as destinations. I would also consider at least one layover day somewhere to give the kids a break. Finally, leave time at Rock Harbor to do the Stoll Trail and eat some real food, always a treat at the end of a trip.

Re: Ridge trail or loop???

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 11:39 pm
by cmbleskachek1
Awesome thank you! We will spend some time researching loop possibilities, thanks for the suggestions! So glad to have stumbled upon this forum, what a wealth of information! Totally jazzed for this trip [SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES]

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