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First Trip to IR - Suggestions for itinerary?

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 9:38 am
by DJS1618
Names: David Specht, Nick Hansmann, Christopher Gibson, Zach Cousineau, Mitchell Courier
Email: djs1.618@gmail
Hometown: Gaylord, MI (I currently live in Grand Rapids, the others still live in Gaylord)
Arrival Date: Sunday, September 4, 2016
Departure Date: David, Nick and Mitchell - Friday, September 9 via the Queen. Zach and Christopher - Saturday, September 10 via the Ranger.
Coming from/Via: Copper Harbor via Queen

Itinerary (still not sure if this is final):

9/4: Hike about 9 miles west along the harbor to Moskey Basin campground
9/5: Hike about 10.5 miles to Hatchet Lake campground.
9/6: Hike 11 miles to Chickenbone Lake campground
9/7: Hike about 8 miles to Mount Franklin campground
9/8: Hike about 5 miles to Rock Harbor
9/9: Hang out and take the Queen back to Copper Harbor (David, Nick, Mitchell). Hang out and day hike, get beers (Zach and Christopher)
9/10: Zach and Christopher take the Ranger back to Houghton to be picked up by David, Nick and Mitchell

Any suggestions for a crew of first-timers? We are all fairly experienced backpackers so the length of the hikes won't be an issue, but are there any other recommendations? If I remember correctly, Chickenbone can be a not-so-fun experience...?

Thanks - we are truly excited! :D

Re: First Trip to IR - Suggestions for itinerary?

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 9:19 pm
by Midwest Ed
DJS1618 wrote:Itinerary (still not sure if this is final):

9/4: Hike about 9 miles west along the harbor to Moskey Basin campground
9/5: Hike about 10.5 miles to Hatchet Lake campground.
9/6: Hike 11 miles to Chickenbone Lake campground
9/7: Hike about 8 miles to Mount Franklin campground
9/8: Hike about 5 miles to Rock Harbor
9/9: Hang out and take the Queen back to Copper Harbor (David, Nick, Mitchell). Hang out and day hike, get beers (Zach and Christopher)
9/10: Zach and Christopher take the Ranger back to Houghton to be picked up by David, Nick and Mitchell

Any suggestions for a crew of first-timers? We are all fairly experienced backpackers so the length of the hikes won't be an issue, but are there any other recommendations?

Thanks - we are stoked! :)
Even being fairly experienced, those are a couple of fairly long days, especially in September. Out and back to Hatchet Lake on a 5 day trek seems a bit much to me but then I'm an old fart now. I peg the mileage from Moskey to Hatchet at closer to 13.5 miles. I'd prefer to be at someplace like McCargoe Cove than Hatchet Lake. Hatchet Lake is nice, just not on Lake Superior (although McCargoe Cove really isn't either). The temperatures will be good for hiking, maybe even still a bit warm on the ridges, but the shorter daylight hours will tighten things up. Your first day just might be the roughest with a lot of knee bending up and down. Take the Tobin Harbor trail out of Rock Harbor to Three Mile as it is easier. You didn't specify Chickenbone East or West and the 11 miles doesn't make sense for either (It's either approx. 8 to West or 9 to East). The West CG is nicer than East CB as access to the lake for water is much easier. There is no campground at Mount Franklin. You'll need to head 13.6 miles to Three Mile (from CB West). Have a great time. Take extra Mole Skin.

Re: First Trip to IR - Suggestions for itinerary?

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 9:19 am
by deeman
Yea, does sound very aggressive. We chatted with a couple who did the AT and several other national trail systems and he said over and over how EVERY mile here is hard earned and it is. Rock Harbor to Moskey on day 1 considering the boat will not arrive to RH until close to noon is very, very ambitious. Plus rain could really be a slowing factor. Wet roots and rocks will force you to slow down. Make sure to enjoy the journey and not feel too pressed to keep up a good pace.

Also, if you can include Lane Cove in your trip you'll really enjoy it.

Good luck!