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2021 Hiking Trip Plan Windigo to RH - looking for feedback & suggestions

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 4:42 pm
by glitch99
Hello IR Forum! I'm researching my IR hiking trip plan for next summer (COVID situation permitting) and stumbled across this wonderful forum. I've read through nearly all the topics and trip reports - really incredible source of information and I appreciate how friendly and helpful everyone is around here (not that I'm surprised having lived in Michigan my entire life). Since winter is approaching and we're all probably dreaming of next summer's adventures, I'm hoping to get some thoughts and suggestions on my plan.

Some background info: My last trip to IR was in 1984 as a 12-year old Boy Scout. My dad organized the trip for the older kids in the troop and I got to tag along. We covered about 60 miles in 6 days: Flew in to Windigo, hiked Washington Creek to Rock Harbor via Feldtmann Ridge and Greenstone Ridge trails (WC-FL-SB-DesorS-HL-DF-RH) and took the Ranger III back. I'm now....a lot older, but also in much better physical condition and with much better gear. I started backpacking again this summer with a couple late-40-something buddies who are also in very good physical condition. In our most recent excursion, we averaged 20 minutes/mile on the Jordan River trail loop with packs loaded for an overnight (10 miles each day). The 3 of us are planning to do IR next summer and will certainly put in some training hikes (in addition to our regular exercise regimens) so that a 10-15 mile hike on any given day will be no problem.

Goals for the 2021 trip:
- Hike end-to-end (Windigo to RH or reverse)
- Cover most of Greenstone Ridge trail (but don't feel the need to do 100% of it)
- Hit the Feldtmann Ridge loop for wildlife (recall from my '84 trip that we heard wolves here and encountered a moose in the swamps)
- Complete the trip in 6 days, ~10 miles per day, with a travel day on either end (total 8 days from departure near Detroit)

I've already purchased the NatGeo topo map and latest version of Jim Dufresne's guidebook as well as downloaded the Greenstone 2020. Here's my plan so far:
Day 1 - Drive Detroit area to Hancock - camp or lodge nearby
Day 2 - Earliest available float plane to Windigo, hike to Feldtmann Lake (8.8mi)
Day 3 - to Siskiwit Bay (10.3mi)
Day 4 - to S. Lake Decor (9.9mi)
Day 5 - to Hatchet Lake (8.1mi)
Day 6 - to McCargoe Cove (10.7mi)
Day 7 - to Three Mile (12.6mi)
Day 8 - to Rock Harbor (2.7mi), float plane out around noon, drive back to Detroit area

If we make this a Saturday to Saturday plan, it leaves us a 1 day buffer (Sunday) in case we get stuck on the island due to bad weather or other unexpected delays. About the only thing that I can see we're missing with this plan is the joy of a shower in Rock Harbor at the end of a long trek, but it's possible we could blow through Three Mile and continue all the way to RH on Day 7 if we're feeling it.

Any thoughts, suggestions or tips? Pros/cons of going West-East vs. East-West? Side trip to McCargoe Cove worth it vs. staying at W. Chickenbone?

Sorry for the long first post, but based on what I've seen in the forum, you all don't seem to mind having something IR-related to think about and comment on during the off-season! For your entertainment, I'm attached a few vintage pics from our 1984 trek - let me know if they don't show up as attachments.
That's me on the right in the Tigers shirt - getting ready to board the float plane
That's me on the right in the Tigers shirt - getting ready to board the float plane
Taking a break on the way to Feldtmann Lake
Taking a break on the way to Feldtmann Lake
Can't recall exact location of this picture - think it was somewhere along FR, maybe near the watch tower
Can't recall exact location of this picture - think it was somewhere along FR, maybe near the watch tower

Re: 2021 Hiking Trip Plan Windigo to RH - looking for feedback & suggestions

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 7:43 pm
by kolo
It looks like you have done a lot of research and your planning looks good! I don't think you can go wrong with either McCargoe Cove or West Chickenbone. McCargoe Cove is a favorite among the veterans and I am sure others will comment on this. I like both camping areas.

My only suggestion is to go west from Rock Harbor to Windigo. That is my opinion though, as I don't really care much for Rock Harbor and I really like Windigo/Washington Creek. I prefer the quiet and solitude of the west end of the island. Rock Harbor is too "touristy" for me. That is a relative statement as Rock Harbor on its busiest days is still much better than any of the other National Parks!

Like the "classic" pictures! You must have scanned some old pictures taken with a film camera to digitalize them for posting.

Re: 2021 Hiking Trip Plan Windigo to RH - looking for feedback & suggestions

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 7:47 pm
by kolo
Drive Detroit area to Hancock
I forgot to ask. Since you are from the Detroit area, are you a Bob Seger fan? I am from North Dakota and I am one of the biggest Bob Seger fans out there!

Re: 2021 Hiking Trip Plan Windigo to RH - looking for feedback & suggestions

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 8:27 pm
by glitch99
Thanks Kolo! Appreciate the feedback. I don’t plan on spending much time at either the start or finish line, but from what I remember I’d completely agree with you on Windigo vs. RH. My east to West plan just didn’t set up as well with distances - first stop out of RH would be DF, but from there it got a little out of whack. I’ll keep working it, though. I’ve got some time! Other benefit of heading westward is the option to cut off the FR loop if anything goes sideways.

The retro photos were actually just cell phone pics of some old film prints my dad brought out when I mentioned what we were planning. And yes, I grew up listening to Seger - ‘Live’ Bullet on vinyl. Still on my bucket list to see him live in concert if we ever get things back to normal around here! Thanks again!

Re: 2021 Hiking Trip Plan Windigo to RH - looking for feedback & suggestions

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 8:57 pm
by Bobcat1
From Hatchet to McCargoe is a favorite stretch and relatively easy, with a great campsite at the end and a chance to explore the mines if you do ok with the time. And then you can adjust your route into RH depending on how time is going. You might even aim for Todd Harbor, passing through Hatchet. You have plenty of options to adjust on the fly!

Re: 2021 Hiking Trip Plan Windigo to RH - looking for feedback & suggestions

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 9:27 pm
by kolo
And yes, I grew up listening to Seger - ‘Live’ Bullet on vinyl. Still on my bucket list to see him live in concert if we ever get things back to normal around here
I probably shouldn't tell you this as it is still on your bucket list, but I have been fortunate to have seen him in concert six times over four decades. Of the six times, the best concert was seeing Bob and the Silver Bullet Band at Cobo Hall in Detroit!

Re: 2021 Hiking Trip Plan Windigo to RH - looking for feedback & suggestions

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 9:31 pm
by Midwest Ed
kolo wrote: Sat Nov 14, 2020 7:47 pm
Drive Detroit area to Hancock
I forgot to ask. Since you are from the Detroit area, are you a Bob Seger fan? I am from North Dakota and I am one of the biggest Bob Seger fans out there!
Not trying to get too far afield but I couldn't resist. It was 1974 while I was attending Michigan Tech University, I went to a concert at Northern Michigan University in Marquette. We went for the headliner, Bachman-Turner Overdrive (I was a big Guess Who fan). We were surprised at the quality of the relatively unknown warm-up band called The Silver Bullet Band (and I hailed from Detroit area). It was that same school year that I made my first trip to The Island so it "sort of" ties in.

And glitch99, I'm even ALOT older now. I know that going back for you after such a long retreat will be a very special experience.

Re: 2021 Hiking Trip Plan Windigo to RH - looking for feedback & suggestions

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 9:49 pm
by glitch99
Bobcat1 - thanks! I've read several great comments here about McCargoe Cove and was surprised it really doesn't add too much distance. Added bonus is the opportunity for a campfire. Appreciate your input! How tough is that stretch of the Minong between TH and MC? I read a great blog about visiting the mines near MC and would love to go that way, but a little intimidated by the Minong for my first trip back to the island.

Kolo & Ed - really kicking myself for missing his shows at Pine Knob in summer 2019. Probably was my last chance!

Re: 2021 Hiking Trip Plan Windigo to RH - looking for feedback & suggestions

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 10:29 pm
by Midwest Ed
glitch99 wrote: Sat Nov 14, 2020 9:49 pmHow tough is that stretch of the Minong between TH and MC? ...a little intimidated by the Minong for my first trip back to the island.
This is rated the easiest section of the Minong. It is easier than other "non-Minong" sections. It is certainly easier (IMHO) than the Rock Harbor Trail between Daisy Farm and Moskey Basin.

Re: 2021 Hiking Trip Plan Windigo to RH - looking for feedback & suggestions

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 10:59 pm
by Bobcat1
Like Midwest Ed says, it’s the easy stretch of the Minong. And it opens up various possibilities for routes into Rock Harbor. Definitely consider hiking the ridge in all the way past Mt Franklin, for awesome views.

Re: 2021 Hiking Trip Plan Windigo to RH - looking for feedback & suggestions

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 11:13 pm
by kolo
+1 on what Ed and Bobcat said about that stretch of the Minong being the easiest section. It is OK to be intimidated by the Minong, but you will do just fine as long as you are "backpacking fit!"

Ed, and I thought I was dating myself! :) I would have liked to have seen BTO back in their heyday!

Re: 2021 Hiking Trip Plan Windigo to RH - looking for feedback & suggestions

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2020 7:13 am
by glitch99
Great suggestions! It would be awesome to see all 3 main ridges in one trip.

West to East plan: WC - FL(8.8) - SB (10.3) - DS (9.9) - TH (11.6) - MC (6.6) - 3M (12.6) - RH (2.7)
East to West plan: RH - DF (7.1) - MC (8.0) - HL (10.5 via Minong) - IM (13.0) - FL (14.5) - WC (8.8)

Either way gives me some options. Still leaning toward the W to E route - splits up the mileage a little more to my liking at the start and leaves more options open for the back end of the trip when our packs are lighter and we know what we can handle. Now I just need to fast-forward 8-9 months (not sure yet if we're going in July or August) and hope we can put this COVID stuff behind us!

Re: 2021 Hiking Trip Plan Windigo to RH - looking for feedback & suggestions

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2020 7:38 am
by TopCarrot
Honestly, any side trip to avoid either of the Chickenbones is worth it. McCargoe or Richie are both great.

Re: 2021 Hiking Trip Plan Windigo to RH - looking for feedback & suggestions

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2020 8:35 am
by torpified
glitch99 wrote: Sat Nov 14, 2020 9:49 pm I read a great blog about visiting the mines near MC and would love to go that way, but a little intimidated by the Minong for my first trip back to the island.
I'll wager that the blogger in question was our very own dcclark.

I'll also add my voice to one chorus: the Minong between Hatchet Lake and McCargo is the Minong in intermediate gear. I bet you'd find it totally manageable --- and be emboldened to take on the whole trail on your next visit!

Another perspective on direction: I *like* ending in RH, partly due to my burgeoisie fondness for luxuriating triumphantly in the front country after somehow surviving another backpacking trip. And there's plenty of victory lap -type options there, if you wind up not needing your buffer day: the walk to Scoville Point, the canoe + short hike to Lookout Louise, canoodling around Tobin Harbor . . . .

Re: 2021 Hiking Trip Plan Windigo to RH - looking for feedback & suggestions

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2020 11:17 am
by kolo
canoodling around Tobin Harbor . . . .
Ms. Torpified, are you sure canoodling is a word?! :) If my memory is correct, I thought I remembered that you are a Language Arts teacher! :wink: