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Route suggestion for mid/late Sept. fall color photo trip?

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 4:59 pm
by upnorthjeeper
I’m looking to get out to IR for a Fri-Fri or a Mon-Mon this fall. I don’t have much of a choice on the days as the Queen IV only comes on Mon & Fri that late in the year, and I fear a 4 nighter may be too short for how much I’m putting into my first trip (AKA: research and money). The dates I plan on going (boat reservations not made yet) would be either Sept. 18th-25th or the 21st-28th. I’m leaning towards taking the last Queen ride of the season home on the 28th.

On to my actual question now folks… for a week long trip, is there any route you’d recommend for me to get some really nice scenic photos? I’m coming out of RH and what I’m looking for are high views overlooking color changing trees and/or Lake Superior.

I’ve done some research and don’t want to sound like I’m lazy and asking you to tell me what to do, just hoping someone here has already embarked on a similar trip and could share itinerary/tips. Thanks ahead of time for all your help, and I promise to contribute to this site once I’m “in the know”…

BTW: Anyone here taken the last Queen ride home?

Re: Route suggestion for mid/late Sept. fall color photo trip?

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 8:07 pm
by Kevinl
I'm not familiar with the Rock Harbor, or east, side of the island, so I'm no help with actual route suggestions. But something I noticed being on the island that time of year, traveling the Minong, is that the color changes were very different moving across the island. Of course, the types of trees were changing too. So if you can, get as much east-west travel as you can. Greenstone or Minong would both have nice high ridges.

Also, it's a lovely time to listen to the moose rutting and banging away on trees.

Re: Route suggestion for mid/late Sept. fall color photo trip?

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 8:32 pm
by upnorthjeeper
Thanks for your input Kevin! Knowing the moose are active then gets me even more excited. Being my first trip I want to avoid the "busy" season and planning later rather than earlier is allowing me to get the necessary gear and provide more time to break-in whichever boots I get soon.

Re: Route suggestion for mid/late Sept. fall color photo trip?

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 6:22 am
by Keweenaw
Lookout Louise and Mt. Franklin give great views of the Northeastern islands. The Greenstone Ridge above West Chickenbone prior to Mt. Siskiwit is bare rock and gives close to 360 degree views of the entire East end of the Island.

Re: Route suggestion for mid/late Sept. fall color photo trip?

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 7:40 am
by Isle Royale Rob
I would suggest the Feldtman fire Tower as well. It offers great views of the western end of the island!

Re: Route suggestion for mid/late Sept. fall color photo trip?

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 11:43 am
by upnorthjeeper
Thanks good people! Sometimes I wish I had planned a sooner trip... but I really want to be there for the fall colors and really don't have all the right gear yet. I really like to stich multiple images together to create super-wide panoramic photos so the high and clear views are what I'll focus on. The towers and ridges should provide some excellent photo oppotunities!

Re: Route suggestion for mid/late Sept. fall color photo trip?

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 12:00 pm
by johnhens
Mt Ojibway would be definte, the Greenstone. If it wasn't so late, I would suggest a paddle down Rock Harbor as the pic ops from the shoreline up are great.
It has been a number of years, but I took the last Queen in the fall. Make sure going late you have extra food as the Fall storms may delay you getting off. We had to wait a day for the Queen. When it showed up, the loaded the gear and truned around to get back befoer the next storm!!

Fall is beautiful IR!!!

Re: Route suggestion for mid/late Sept. fall color photo trip?

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 2:42 pm
by upnorthjeeper
I'll be hoofing it for my first trip, but will surely consider paddling the shoreline once I've been around the inland a bit. Thanks for the suggestions!

I'm going to do some planning with all of your location suggestions in mind... I'll post my tentative itinerary in the next week or so when I get the time to really sit down and process everything in my head.

Thanks again!

My itinerary V1.0

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 8:35 pm
by upnorthjeeper
OK good people, here is my initial and tentative itinerary, please give tips or suggestions. The plan is for Sept. 18th-25th. Due to the time of the year and boat schedules I can’t really do the Feldtman Ridge coming in from Rock Harbor and Lookout Louise seems out of the way. I’m hoping that this route will give me some great views of the fall colors!

Friday: Copper Harbor to Rock Harbor VIA Queen IV (arrive @ 10am)
Rock Harbor to Daisy Farm (7.1 mi)

Sat: Daisy Farm to Chickenbone West (7.9 mi, does this follow Moskey or Greenstone?)

Sun: Chickenbone West to Lake Hatchet (7.9 mi)

Mon: Lake Hatchet Lake Desor South (8.1 mi)

Tue: Lake Desor South to Island Mine (5.5 mi)

Wed: Island Mine to Windigo (~5 mi* mileage not listed on chart)
Windigo to Rock Harbor VIA Voyageur II (leave 10am/arrive ~3pm)
Rock Harbor to Three Mile (2.7 mi)

Thur: Three Mile to Lane Cove (4.6 mi)

Friday: Lane Cove to Rock Harbor (6.9 mi)
Rock Harbor to Copper Harbor VIA Queen IV (leave @ 2:45pm)

*Just a guess, not listed on trial mileage chart might have to wake up early for the 10am boat!

BTW I want to make a side trip to Mt. Ojibway on Saturday or Thursday. I don't know if the 7.9 miles listed on the chart from Daisy Farm to Chickenbone West is north along Moskey or if it jumps right up to the Greenstone Ridge. I'm guessing I'll be better off making a side trip to Mt. Ojibway during the trip from Three Mile to Lave Cove since it's my shortest day so far anyway. Does anyone know off-hand the distance from Mt. Franklin to Mt. Ojibway, I'm guessing I could double that and add it to the 4.6 miles for Three Mile/Lane Cove seeing that Mt. Franklin is on that trail.

Thanks again for all of your help everyone!

Re: Route suggestion for mid/late Sept. fall color photo trip?

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 12:33 am
by johnhens
A couple of points:
the 7.9 miles to West Chickenbone assumes you take the Daisy Farm Trail out of DF. By doing this, you miss a great photo oppurtunity from the Ojibway tower, which going that way adds 1.5 miles to the trip to WC.

Another thought would be to hike to WC via Moskey and Lake Richie. If you go this way, the views along the ridge walk to Moskey are wonderful as are the views from the dock in Moskey Basin to the North. At that time of year, the birch and hardwoods should be spectacular This gets your mileage to 10.4. If you go this way it is worth it to got East a little on the Greenstone for specatcular views towards Canada before dropping down to WC.

The ride along the North Shore is beautiful, don't forget about the photo opps from the Voyaguer!!!

Also keep an eye on the weather for your return trip on the Queen, it would be wise to be back at RH early especially if the weather is going South. If all are present, they may leave early which at that time of year can be a blessing given Fall Storms!!