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Wanting campsite/dockage availablity information

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 11:22 am
by Kim Overholt

By way of introduction: My husband and I have a special connection to the island. 27 years ago we met on ISRO while working for the concessioner - then NPCI. We became engaged that summer and married less than a year from the date we first met. We were only able to return once since then, but this time at long last, we're taking our son & daughter to 'Once Upon a Rock' - the place it all began. Excited doesn't even come close to how I feel!! :D

To start the trip out right I have a question about availability of campsites and dock space. We're taking our 18' boat aboard the Ranger III, (8/14-22), and thinking about circumnavigating. (Weather permitting of course!) I've read in multiple sources that camping/dockage can be hard to come by that time of year. We're wondering if we should stay at Rock Harbor Lodge the first night since we'll be arriving late afternoon. Specifically, are the campsites with dockage closest to RH (Duncan Narrows to Chippewa Harbor) likely to be full? I called NPS with the same questions and was told not too worry. I'd like to know if anyone here has the same or differing experience.

When we went in 2003 with our boat, it was in late July. We stayed at RHL the first night for 'old times sake' and got to visit briefly with Kim, (who was a lowly boat captain that summer so long ago) so we didn't worry about camping/dock space. The only place we didn't get to stay was McCargoe Cove later in the trip.

Thanks for reading my message and I look forward to any advice/suggestions you may have.


Re: Wanting campsite/dockage availablity information

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 2:26 pm
by johnhens
I don't know what to tell you other than it s a crap shoot as to whether you will find dock space at any of the campsites with docks. If you go to Duncan Narrows and it is full, try Duncan Bay or continue on to Belle Isle where your chances of finding dock space are better. Obviously, check the extended forecast before you head out so you don't get stuck somewhere. I assume you have VHF and GPS?

If you stop at Todd Harbor, there is limited space there and the next stop West of there would be Grace Island.
Malone Bay should not be a problem and from there you could get back to Rock Harbor where your choices to stay are pretty good.

Sounds like a great trip, have fun and take pics!!!


Re: Wanting campsite/dockage availablity information

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 3:34 pm
by Ingo
Kim, when you get there the rangers can tell you how many parties have registered for a campground that night. Of course it doesn't mean that's reality, but will give you an idea anyway.

BTW, I worked for NPCI in '79 and didn't get back until 2001. A few trips since and leaving in a week for the next one! :D I think my wife and I got married despite I.R! I left her on the mainland for that summer (we were dating--not quite engaged).

Re: Wanting campsite/dockage availablity information

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 4:24 pm
by Kim Overholt
LOL Ingo. Glad it worked out for you. My husband was also there the summer of '81.

Re: Campsites - We'll speak with the Ranger, check the weather and let the adventure begin!

Thanks, Kim

Re: Wanting campsite/dockage availablity information

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 8:13 pm
by Kim Overholt

Forgot to say that yes we have both GPS and VHF.

We've been plugging along gathering info. Mike just marked up the chart with the no wake zones since we're unsure if they are marked with bouys. We're also aware of the NA campgrounds and we've got the table of campground info. I've been spending time compiling info on interesting lakeside sights. Not an easy thing to do since the guidebook is focused on hike/canoe/kayak but I'm making good progress. Important for us since our itinerary is weather dependent.

And the excitement builds ....


Re: Wanting campsite/dockage availablity information

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 3:15 pm
by Isle Royale Rob
I went from 7-3 to 7-11 and availability wasn't an issue yet. I highly recommend you get to your next spot as early as possible say by 8am and you should have no issues. Our last day we stayed at Caribou Island. We made it there by 7:30 and all shelters were taken. We asked one party who were up if they were leaving and they were so he let us put our permit on the door.

Re: Wanting campsite/dockage availablity information

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 8:06 am
by Kim Overholt
Uh, whoa. :shock: How far away were you the previous night? Getting from say Tookers Island to Chippewa Harbor by 8 AM would be quite a push. It's 19 miles! Off the top of my head I don't know how early we'd have to leave because I'm not sure how fast our boat goes. I'll have to ask hubby. Add weather to that. Dang this is disheartening. However, I thank you for replying. This is valuable information.


Re: Wanting campsite/dockage availablity information

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 8:41 am
by Keweenaw
Hi Kiim,

Don't be too disheartened! A few comments:

Shelters are at a premium. Bring a tent - you should find tent spaces available.

I have found in the past that arriving at a campground around 10-11 am is usually sufficient. By that time the previous occupants have left and the next batch has not arrived. This is perhaps truer of hiking campgrounds, but I have had no trouble in the past when kayaking.

With an 18' boat you may not need "dock space" at some campgrounds. It may be possible to pull the boat up on the shore or tie to a shoreline tree/brush and anchor off the back to keep it from swinging (at least until dock space opens up).

Good luck!


Re: Wanting campsite/dockage availablity information

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 10:53 am
by DonNewcomb
Keweenaw wrote:Shelters are at a premium. Bring a tent - you should find tent spaces available.
With an 18" boat they should be able to bring a nice big tent, cots, lanterns & all the comforts of home. Once, at the end of a barrier island backpacking trip we made our way to our pick-up point to find our transport had camped overnight. She had a huge dome tent, chairs, table, cot, stove, lantern, ice chest, etc. Everything came down, stowed quickly and easily in the boat (about 22') and off we went. Makes me wonder why motorboaters would ever need or use a shelter.

Re: Wanting campsite/dockage availablity information

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 10:05 pm
by Kim Overholt
Keeweenaw - Thanks for the additional information. Tents are already on the list. Great suggestion about pulling up on shore. I'll make sure we have a longer hank of rope along.

Don - Our boat is not equipped to handle a large load such as "cots and other comforts of home" in addition to the four adults. We'll be outfitting very similar to what we do when we are in the Boundary Waters. Some luxuries yes, like cooler, 2 burner stove, more fishing gear, etc. The main difference is a boat instead of our canoes. And I'd say motorboats enjoy the shelters for the same reason backpackers do (who also carry tents - just in case). My personal reason is that on a rainy day I have a nice breeze and a view. (Providing it's not blowing.)