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September 12 - 20

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 4:59 pm
by PoetryRiver
Name: PoetryRiver
Email: (at) PoetryRiver at
Hometown: St. Croix Falls WI/Taylors Falls MN
Arrival Date: September 12
Departure Date: September 20
Coming From/Via: Grand Portage
Itinerary: 9/12 - 14 Feldtman Lake
9/15-16 XC on the lakeshore to Atwood Beach
9/17-9/18 Feldtmann Lake
9/19 Washington Harbor

After a number of end to end trips in the '90's, I decided that all future trips would be less hiking and more relaxing. While my pack today is semi-ultralite, this trip it will include a parachute hammock, fishing gear, watercolor equipment and a Sigg bottle of 151... if you see a tall couple relaxing WAY to much, stop by and say hello at dusk for happy hour.


"Make voyages. Attempt them. There is nothing else."

Re: September 12 - 20

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 6:50 am
by upnorthjeeper
Welcome to the forums! I'm pretty new myself actually, my frist IR trip is less than a month away.

Looks like we'll share a couple days on IR, but I will be mid-Greenstone as you leave... enjoy and please share a trip report/photos when you return! :D