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Backpacker534's Site

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 5:34 am
by johnhens
During the "lull", that time between the end of October and Mid May when access to IR is not possible, take some time and check out Backpacker534's site:

A lot of links to TR's and interesting sites about IR.

Re: Backpacker534's Site

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 5:36 am
by johnhens
johnhens wrote:During the "lull", that time between the end of October and Mid May when access to IR is not possible, take some time and check out Backpacker534's site:

A lot of links to TR's and interesting sites about IR.
Anyone else having good info about IR, perhaps we should start a "Library" of sorts with links to sites ect.

Re: Backpacker534's Site

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 7:09 pm
by fonixmunkee
Hey John, great idea about the library. You'll have to start it with a thread, then compile everything into one single post that we can sticky (and then lock it so no one can comment on it). How does that work? Otherwise, I know there's a way we can make a static page of links, but then only I would be able to edit it and not other forum moderators.

Re: Backpacker534's Site

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 12:21 pm
by Backpacker534
Hi John. It's been quite a while since I've been on the forum (too busy at work and home, it seems), so while the wife is out grocery shopping and my daughter is working on her book report I figured it was a good time to log on and at least read some of the posts I've missed. Thanks for posting the link to my website. It was really nice of you.

I've really missed logging on, reading and responding all the posts here. I'm hoping that with the couple weeks off I have coming up I will have more time to become an active member of the forums again.

Have a happy and healthy Christmas everyone!