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Trouble in Nature's Labratory
Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 9:12 am
by Tom
The Minneapolis StarTribune ( has a front page article in today's Sunday edition regarding the Moose/Wolf study and the concerns with the population. I haven't found the article yet online (that paper has been trying to keep a few things "in the paper" for a couple days to boost readership) but hopefully it will be up in the coming days.
There is also a video they put together that is available, ... 3LGDiO7aiU
Check it out if you can.
Re: Trouble in Nature's Labratory
Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 9:24 pm
by johnhens
Tom wrote:The Minneapolis StarTribune ( has a front page article in today's Sunday edition regarding the Moose/Wolf study and the concerns with the population. I haven't found the article yet online (that paper has been trying to keep a few things "in the paper" for a couple days to boost readership) but hopefully it will be up in the coming days.
There is also a video they put together that is available, ... 3LGDiO7aiU
Check it out if you can.
Thanks for the post, hopefully you can get the article here!!!
Re: Trouble in Nature's Labratory
Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 6:25 am
by Tom
Re: Trouble in Nature's Labratory
Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 7:29 am
by johnhens
Thanks Tom!!!
Re: Trouble in Nature's Labratory
Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 2:13 pm
by greg
Thanks for sharing the article. I have been to Isle Royale 19 times. I have seen wolves six times and heard them on a number of other occasions. I believe the island would be a fundamentally different place without them and the loss of wolves would fundamentally affect my experiences om the island. The thought of a loss of wolves, and potentially moose, on Isle Royale is a very emotional one for me. I would have to say it would be difficult to return to a place where its fundamental predator-prey relationships were altered to that extent and where my image of the place was so dramatically changed.