Using a sailboat as basecamp

Questions about water transportation and fishing on the island.

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Re: Using a sailboat as basecamp

Post by johnhens »

johnhens wrote:Richard, is your boat cold molded?
Cold Molding is a method of boat construction where pieces of plywood are screwed and expoxied to a frame of stations the make up the shape of the hull. Once the plywood pieces are secured, the screws are removed and the hull is fiberglassed and the frame is removed leaving the shell of the hull.
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Re: Using a sailboat as basecamp

Post by Richard1961 »

I am installing a second fuel tank to bring total gallons up to 35 gallons. This will allow me to carry enough fuel to make the whole trip under power if needed. I will be able to top off on gas at Windigo at checkin but on my second visit the Marina will be closed(closes Sept 10)I will also top off at Rock Harbor on the last day they will be open. Besides fuel I promised my son a pizza at Rock Harbor. Thanks for the warning about Malone and McCargo. I am planning on only moving when it is full light outside and slow and careful is the plan. As far as how the hull is built I don't know. But what I do know from research is that Paceships were designed and built first in Canada. There hulls were overbuilt to make them strong. It will never be an icebreaker but it should get the job done. If everything works out on this trip I will return in the spring to spend a lot more time in the areas I like most. I also want to visit as many of the old costal mining sites and the old Fish camps as possible. Thanks again for all the help. Richard
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Re: Using a sailboat as basecamp

Post by johnhens »

The Five Fingers area has reefs that could cause trouble for you, I am sure you have the NOAA chart.
I sail on a C&C 110, would love to take it up to IR!!!! :)
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Re: Using a sailboat as basecamp

Post by Richard1961 »

johnhens wrote:The Five Fingers area has reefs that could cause trouble for you, I am sure you have the NOAA chart.
I sail on a C&C 110, would love to take it up to IR!!!! :)
I will be carring 3 types of charts. 1 the full size NOAA chart for Isle Royal and Lake Superior. 2 The same charts in a booklet form that I downloaded and printed myself from the NOAA website. The same charts downloaded on a laptop computer. You can see above the water but you need a good chart to avoid what is below. The last thing I want is adding "Ruth Ann" to the long list of names claimed by the cold hearted Lady.

I have already started running through the trip on the computer and have started Taking notes on courses and hazards. I hope that they will be second nature to me by the time I arrive.

I am also looking for a Chart plotter. Since my days as a private pilot 25+ years ago I have always been a Paper chart Kind of guy but some of the features on the chart plotters look so cool. There is something about taking something thousands of years old (Sailing) and using new tech. to make it safer.

Well Happy Trails to Everyone till we meet out there. Richard
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Re: Using a sailboat as basecamp

Post by johnhens »

Can you pull start your motor if need be?
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Re: Using a sailboat as basecamp

Post by Richard1961 »

That is something I will look into. The OMC Saildrive is a basic 15hp outboard stuck through a hole in the bottom of the boat. I will be pulling my access hatch and will look for alt starting options. Otherwise I may mount a small 2nd outboard on the stern as backup. Thanks Richard
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Re: Using a sailboat as basecamp

Post by drobarge »

Free chart plotter sofware for your laptop I use it and love it. Just order a $35.00 usb GPS antenna and your in buisness. Make sure to download the users manual as well.

Here is the antenna I use it doesn't even need to be mounted outside of the cabin ... ps+antenna

Here is where I downloaded charts ... tate.shtml
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Re: Using a sailboat as basecamp

Post by Midwest Ed »

Richard1961 wrote:I also want to visit as many of the old costal mining sites and the old Fish camps as possible.
Researching this database may come in handy.
8 trips, 1975 x 2, 1976 x 2, 1978, 1985, 2000, 2013
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Re: Using a sailboat as basecamp

Post by Richard1961 »

Midwest Ed wrote:
Richard1961 wrote:I also want to visit as many of the old costal mining sites and the old Fish camps as possible.
Researching this database may come in handy.
WOW Why don't I find links like this when I surf Isle Royal history? I just keep getting links to the same old stuff. This list will keep me busy for a while. I have a great interest in the people and their history on the Island so this will help me see that history.
drobarge wrote:Free chart plotter sofware for your laptop I use it and love it. Just order a $35.00 usb GPS antenna and your in buisness. Make sure to download the users manual as well.

Here is the antenna I use it doesn't even need to be mounted outside of the cabin ... ps+antenna

Here is where I downloaded charts ... tate.shtml
Again WOW Just when I think I have been helped someone posts something that blows me away. I had planned to use the Laptop as a chart so why not as a chart plotter. Thanks so much. Richard
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Re: Using a sailboat as basecamp

Post by johnhens »

You may have done this, but as your mast is removeable, have you checked or replaced the antenae cable (I assume you have a masthead antenae) and the wiring for the masthead light?
Do you have a masthead anemometer?
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Re: Using a sailboat as basecamp

Post by Richard1961 »

Thank for recemending " The Superior Way by Bonnie Dahl" It came in todays mail and I have spent several hours going over it. I also ordered books about the fishing camps, school teacher and the fishing boats and camps. If anyone else has a book they recomend Amazon is just a click away. And as I am using my 6000 lb backpack :lol: I can bring them with me to the Island. T-46 days and counting :roll: Richard
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