Looking for itinerary suggestions.

Questions about trails and campsites on the island.

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Looking for itinerary suggestions.

Post by Wiconi »

I'm planing a 9-day trip to ISRO with my 8-year old. We are seasoned backpackers, but owing the "puttering" tendencies of the little one, we tend to put on low-mile days. We CAN put on 78 mile days, but she prefers lots of puttering time - and is awesome at occupying herself wherever she finds herself.

WE homeschool, and this is the field trip to kick off her 3rd grade year. The last 3 days of our trip will be spent near Rock Harbor, going on the tours to the Fishery, and Passage Island. So, I'm looking at arriving on the Island on the Queen - about 11:30 on Saturday the 25th.

One itinerary is
Night 1 - 3-mile,
2 - Daisy
3 - moskey
4- daisy
5- lane
7- rock harbor (because we'll take the Sandy to Passage Island and be back at 6)
8- 3- mile (we'll take the sandy to the fishery - and get dropped off at the dock here on the way back)

Another I came up with is almost the same

1 - 3-mile
2 - lane
3 - daisy
4 - moskey

7 adn 8 remain the same owing to the schedule of sightseeing.

Someone else suggested to me that 2 nights in Moskey is awesome - so I could.....
1 - lane
2 - daisy
3 - moskey
4 - moskey
5 - daisy
6 - 3-mile

(again, 7-8 are the same)

I like the 3rd plan - for 2 reasons.....it loose little, and gain a wednesday night at DAisy - where teh Petersens apparently have a little talk they do - that would be great, educationally, to participate in. BUT...the first day, being a 7-mile day - concerns me. We do have time to do it, but I'm a little concerned about how difficult the lane cove trail is. And if it's the first night, we'll be food-heavy. Little one has a pack that's precisely 18 lbs - if I fill her water bladder, it'll be 20 on the mark. She can cary that 7 miles without an issue - but if hte trail is rough, it may be an issue. I'll have on a pack that will be 50lb when I fill up with water.

Anyone out there who can describe the trail conditions of all the trails? That'll make my decisions alot easier.

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Re: Looking for itinerary suggestions.

Post by Midwest Ed »

I am somewhat conflicted about giving you hard and fast advice so I'll try to elaborate some options based on my biased opinion.

First off, I think you'll have a great time no matter your itinerary selections. I think it is fantastic to have a child so young be so energetically inquisitive.

Except for the sections to/from Lane Cove, most of your back and forth from Three Mile to Daisy Farm to Moskey Basin will be on the same type of trail. For the most part is does not run close enough to the water's edge for it to be considered a lakeshore trail. It actually follows pretty much what was a prehistoric beach and has a lot of ups and downs. The footing is not like a stroll through the woods where you can stare at the sky or trees while walking. It is pretty much the same from Three Mile to Moskey Basin. I will dig up some links to pictures showing some examples. I don't want to over-exagerate it's difficulty but each 4 to 4.5 mile section will feel more like 6 or 7 miles of easier terrain. And the reward of Moskey Basin certainly makes it worth the effort. The ancient shoreline can be very instructive if you're into geology and the ice ages, etc.

One reason I mention the "sameness" of the Rock Harbor Trail (Rock Harbor to Mosky Basin) is to get you to think more about the other types of trails and vegetation available. Specifically I mean the Greenstone Ridge Trail and the three cross ridge trails to get there. The Greenstone Ridge offers fantastic views of either side of the ridge all the way to Canada and (for the most part) is easier walking.

The trails to get to Greenstone are also very unique landscape with a wide variety of fauna. You will traverse one to two smaller ridges along the way so there will be swampy areas (where you are kept dry via man made board walks) with maybe one or two beaver dams to see in the valleys.

If you are definitely making the Lane Cove stop then you will be incorporating some of this automatically. Otherwise you have an option to spend a extra night in Daisy Farm and then do about a 6 mile day hike loop up around a triangular section, to the Greenstone ridge, starting and ending at DF. I know Daisy Farm is somewhat famous for being the busiest campground with 16 shelters and 6 tent sites, but it is not at all like camping at any of the car accessible National Parks like the Smokies or Yellowstone, etc. it is spread out over several acres and a neighboring shelter is only barely visible from only one or two of the sites. The greatest risk is some noise from another group or the occasional slamming screen door. To many it is worth avoiding but for you it offers this one opportunity. It also has the advantage of having its own ranger (I think, this might have changed) and other evening presentations.

Depending upon your budget, another option for you would be to take advantage of the water taxi when you first arrive. It could drop you at a variety of campgrounds and then you just make your way back to Rock Harbor/Three Mile. It saves the back tracking although I know you will appreciate the beauty going the opposite direction on the same trail (they never look the same to me.)

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Re: Looking for itinerary suggestions.

Post by Ingo »

I'd suggest saving Lane Cove for the end, when your pack is lightest and you have some miles under you. So the reverse of your 3rd option.

1 - Three Mile
2 - Daisy Farm
3 - Moskey
4 - Moskey
5 - Daisy Farm
6 - Lane Cove

And if you decide that Lane Cove is too much (you should have a good idea at this point), you can just do Three Mile or stay at Daisy Farm. You will want to get up to the ridge in any case, with or without packs! Anyway, it gives you more options and doesn't lock you in to what may be too much your first 2 days out.

As Ed said, there's no bad choice! But to add, the Tobin Harbor trail is a much easier trail to Three Mile than the Rock Harbor trail--and a good way to start. Also, Scoville Point is a wonderful day hike from Rock Harbor.

Have a great trip and be sure to let us know how it goes! I think it's great that you and your daughter are able to do things like this at such a young age.
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Re: Looking for itinerary suggestions.

Post by Wiconi »

So, I'm assuming that the Lane Cove trail is a technically difficult trail? After talking it over with the little one, I think we cannot hike Rock Harbor to Lane cove the first day -= and she REALLY wants to be in Daily farm on night 5.

Is there a "reason" to go to Lane Cove? I have read here that people hear the wolves from there. ( I'm not expecting to see one (I'm from Wisconsin, I've seen several - here, Itasca and in Yellowstone) But I'd like to hear them sing at night. Is there a campsite that I'm more likely to hear them at??

I Like day 5 at Daisy, because that's a Wednesday - and apparently those are the nights (the other is Sat - not an option for us) that the Petersons talk about their studies and experiences. We've been to two other wolf presentations, one in Itasca and another in Yellowstone - and the little one is excited to lean more.

I guess, right now, my (tentative) decision is whether to trade seing Lane Cover for spending 2 nights at Moskey Basin. I've read in several places that Moskey seems to be a favorite campsite.

Ingo's suggestions is good, but I'm not sure how I can get from Lane Cove to Rock Harbor by 1:00 - the time our boat leaves for Passage Island. I KNOW I can hike it - but I'm afraid to turn anything into a forced march (that's why all my days are pretty low mile) because I have a child who LOVES what we do - and I don't want to chance wrecking it for her. (and hiking with a whiny child is NO FUN!)

SO - How many of you would trade a night at Lane Cove for 2 nights in Moskey?
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Re: Looking for itinerary suggestions.

Post by Ingo »

Wiconi wrote:Ingo's suggestions is good, but I'm not sure how I can get from Lane Cove to Rock Harbor by 1:00 - the time our boat leaves for Passage Island.
Ooops, I missed the 1:00 part ...

The trail in/out of Lane Cove is steep. Lane Cove is beautiful, and because it's a dead end trail and doesn't have shelters it's the least used campground on the east end of the island. And why folks love it. But personally I wouldn't put it above your other plans/constraints--you can save it for your next trip :D . As far as hearing wolves, I don't think anyone can say.
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Re: Looking for itinerary suggestions.

Post by Keweenaw »

Lane Cove is the "wildest" and most remote hike-in campground on the East side of the Island. The trail is not at all technical. Rock Harbor to the threemile junction along the Tobin Harbor trail is a walk in the woods - nice surface and is right on Tobin Harbor. If you want to save weight you can filter water easily all along this stretch. From the junction up to the Greenstone Ridge is definitely uphill and a little rocky in places but not very hard. Down the other side of the Greenstone is on switchbacks - no fun if it's rainy. From the bottom of that descent to the campground is pretty easy trail but it seems longer than it is because you see the water a couple of miles before you actually get to the campground.

Could be a long trip for short legs but is a very pretty campground.

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Re: Looking for itinerary suggestions.

Post by Midwest Ed »

Here's the pictures I promised:

Here is a section of the Rock Harbor trail (on the way to Moskey Basin). I pick one of the most ominous ones I could find. :shock: The vast majority is much easier than this. Not as steep but still up amd down. For me the geology is so interesting I'm always stopping to admire it. This is some of the oldest rock on earth.

Courtesy of Blackcoffe's blog:

Now to wet your appetite and entice you to the Greenstone Ridge:

Courtesy of Tom's published albums:
From Mt. Franklin looking north

From Mt. Ojibway looking southwest

Courtesy of Steve's Isle Royale Blog:
From Greenstone Ridge looking north to Canada
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Re: Looking for itinerary suggestions.

Post by Wiconi »

Ok - so after spending more time reading and evaluating possible itineraries, (and not yet nearly enough time packing :shock: ) My plan is:

Saturday - Arrive on the Queen, Possibly hike the Stoll trail after getting our permits, and hike to 3-mile via Tobin Harbor trail, and maybe go have a look-see at Suzy's cave.
Sunday - Hike to Daisy farm - seeing Siskowitt mines and whatever else there is to see. Make camp at Daisy FArm
Monday - Hike on to Moskey Basin, and spend 2 consecutive nights there (mon and tues). Possibly day-hiking to places like Chickenbone, Lake Richie and Chippewa Harbor. 10-15 miles day-hikes over rough terrain are no problem for us - it's hiking loaded down that is hard for the little one)
Wednesday - Back to Daisy farm. day-hike the loop to the tower, maybe even to Mt. Franklin.
Thurdsay - Hike back to 30mile - and maybe day-hike in to Lane Cove.
Friday - be in Rock Harbor before noon, (food drop this day) and tour out to Passage Island. Stay in Rock Harbor
Saturday, Go on the Edison Fishery and Roch HArbor Lighthouse tour, and have the boat drop us off at 3-mile on the way back.
Sunday - hike back to Rock Harbor as early as we can - If time and weather permit, canoe to Hidden Lake and climb to Lookout Louise.

I'll be back sometime after Labor Day with a trip Report.....and hopefully, luddite that I am, I can figure out how to get some decent pictures uploaded.

THanks for all your input!
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