Trail maintenance?

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Re: Trail maintenance?

Post by jerry »

In 2011 hiking the trail from the Greenstone down to Chippewa Harbor I came across a trail maintenance crew of at least six or seven people. They were miles from the dock with heavy equipment (power saws, etc.) cleaning up the trail from the big blow down of that winter. They appreciated my thanks. They said they would try to get to the about 100 trees I had climbed over, thru and under hiking from McCargoe Cove that day, as soon as possible.
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Re: Trail maintenance?

Post by drobarge »

I remember those blowdowns hiking to Mcargoe in May that year, some were pretty thick!
I was the first and only paying passenger on the Ranger III, it didn't even go to Rock Harbor only Mott and Windego. ( I got off at Mott and hitched a ride with Paul B.) It was a strange feeling to be the only packer on the ferry.
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Re: Trail maintenance?

Post by TreeHugger »

Another thing worth mentioning is that a lot of the times the trail crew gets dropped off by boat (not at a dock) and uses "secret", more direct trails than the main hiking trails. Still a lot of work but usually a shortcut to get where they need to go.
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Re: Trail maintenance?

Post by tree rattt »

If I am not mistaken, just read somewhere that the minong and desor campsite is going to recieve maintenance this summer ....anyone know what? Board walks toity that kinda stuff?just curious what all they do..... I know it is alot, and very hard work to boot!

Just wondering what all, so we all know how much more we should be thankful for with there hard work and service.

Thanks for the beautiful trails! :)

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