Freeze Dried portion sizes

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Freeze Dried portion sizes

Post by bakchr »

I have been collecting some freeze dried meals (Mountainhouse and Backpackers Pantry) but I am wondering about peoples experience with these for portion sizes. Most of the pouches usually are for 2,4, 5 servings. We will have 5 people (all more or less adults). So I am looking at things like MH Biscuits and Gravy. Each pouch says 2 servings. In your experience is that reasonably what people would eat? Or when looking at these is it better to assume that a 2 serving package is what one person would eat on a backpacking trip. We have done lots of camping before, but no experience with these freeze dried foods. I don't want to bring too much, but don't want to bring too little either. From what I have read, it seems like recommended caloric intake for backpacking is around double normal. Any feedback appreciated!
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Re: Freeze Dried portion sizes

Post by jemerick »

If possible, you should do a few test runs. I've also read that 2x is recommended, but after a few 3-day weekend trips learned that 2000 calories of good noms is just right. Some people feel better with more, some with less. Last thing you want to do is have a grumbling stomachs over a long trip.
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Re: Freeze Dried portion sizes

Post by Ingo »

I take MH almost exclusively. I find their 2 serving ProPaks to be a perfectly sized dinner for one of me. It's just a tad much sometimes for my wife and daughters, but certainly not 2 meals by itself. So you need something to supplement it if you're going to split. The ProPaks are about 4/5 the size of the regular ones--always wondered why they're slightly different. And they're vacuum packed, so they take up less space. Here's a spreadsheet of my rankings of most MH meals, along with calories--haven't updated it in a while, so there may be new ones. And when I previewed it, the new board software displays it in post! Cool 8) ! ... sp=sharing
24: MB | 22: BI | 21: RH-DF | 18: MC-DF | 17: WI-SB-WC | 16: RH-CI-RH | 14: BI-MB | 13: RH | 12: MC-TH | 11: WC-HC-WC | 09: MC-RH | 05: MI-MB-RH | 02: MC-CH | 01: BI-RH | 79: RH
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Re: Freeze Dried portion sizes

Post by scouterjanek »

Love the biscuits and gravy.
Generally I find the serves two really only serves me...
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Re: Freeze Dried portion sizes

Post by bakchr »

Thank you for the info and spreadsheet, very helpful!
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Re: Freeze Dried portion sizes

Post by Sides »

To me, most portions are too small. Not enough calories. I usually eat 4 times a day to make up the difference.
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Re: Freeze Dried portion sizes

Post by jenny.holm »

We are using a variety of freeze dried 2-serving meals for our upcoming trip. Each package will equate to one meal for one person.
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Re: Freeze Dried portion sizes

Post by fonixmunkee »

I've found MH and Backpacker's Pantry portion sizes to be similar. That said, I eat a lot and usually split a two-serving MH or BP with another person who also eats a lot. Usually any residual hunger is supplemented with coffee, leftover snacks, or whiskey.

As mentioned in other replies, give it a trial run. But out the camp stove and have a nice freeze-dried meal with who you're going to be sharing with. Also, try to plan all your meals with the same person so you can both anticipate how much each of your servings will be.

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Re: Freeze Dried portion sizes

Post by Donk_67 »

As stated in previous posts, serving size vs needed calories don't mesh...if you had side dishes maybe. I like to share one and then have a second dinner by sharing another one a little while later.

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