2017 Spring Paddling warning

Questions about water transportation and fishing on the island.

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2017 Spring Paddling warning

Post by johnhens »

If you loook through the topics for paddling, every Spring, there are topics about folks being rescued and some dieing while paddling without proper clothing. Even in 50 degree water, it does not take long to get into trouble. Here is an aricle about a kayaker in Lake Michigan who was rescued.

http://www.kenoshanews.com/news/kayaker ... 679219.php
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Re: 2017 Spring Paddling warning

Post by treeplanter »

A local guy died in a nearby inland lake just last week. He went out on a terrible day, high winds and snow, with a water temp in the 30’s. We’re all try to figure out why anyone would paddle on a day like that.

I went out for the first time last weekend. A small, inland lake near our home. An air temp of 70 degrees and a water temp of 36. Nice paddle, outside of wading on 36 degree water to get into my boat.
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