What national parks haven't you visited, but would like to?

Got some trip suggestions at another National Park, or know of a great place in the middle of no where? Share them here, plan your trips, and hook up with other individuals on the forum.

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Re: What national parks haven't you visited, but would like to?

Post by head2north »

LarryL wrote:I am in violation too. Porcupine Mountains is not a NP. Just ignore my posts. :?
Too late, already admired and reminisced with your escarpment photos :) . Still want to return and rent the Big Carp 8 cabin some day.

I remember one trip with my Dad. It was the second hardest hike I have ever had. The Lake Superior Trail has no major elevation change,
But we hiked the shoreline trail after a major week of torrential rain. I am not exaggerating when I say every step was mud above the ankle.
Pure mud sucking draining tromping. But the scenery was nice.
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Re: What national parks haven't you visited, but would like to?

Post by odd man out »

Outside the US I'd love to get to the Wakahn NP. It's bigger than Yellowstone and gets maybe 200 visitors per year. Maybe because it's almost impossible to get there.

http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news ... an-kyrgyz/
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Re: What national parks haven't you visited, but would like to?

Post by hooky »

head2north wrote:I may be committing a topic taboo here, but would like to get to Canada's Woodland Caribou and Wabakimi. For my defense,
it was never stated that it had to be a U.S. park!
I've got the bug for Wabakimi too. I don't think my paddling skills will safely allow it though.
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Re: What national parks haven't you visited, but would like to?

Post by conmcb25 »

Id like to visit all the National Parks and Monuments in Utah and Nevada. Bryce, Canyon Lands, Arches, Great Basin. I was supposed to go to Death Valley last march but had to cancel, missed a mega desert flower bloom (not sure exactly what it is called) that occurs only every 10 years or so.

I covered most of the parks farther north. I have been living in the Seattle Metro area for the last 4 years so have numerous trips under my belt to Rainier, Olympics, and North Cascades.
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Re: What national parks haven't you visited, but would like to?

Post by LunaHiker »

I would love to go to any/all of the ones in Alaska, Acadia in Maine, Voyageurs in Minnesota, the three in WA, and perhaps one in Hawaii. I have always been more drawn to the woodsy/northern areas but it would be great to go to some in the SW for the contrast. We went to Redwoods and Crater Lake last year and Redwoods was one of the most beautiful places I have been. One day we plan to go back for a backpacking trip.
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Re: What national parks haven't you visited, but would like to?

Post by chief54 »

Having lived in Alaska for many years and have many miles of backpacking in Denali, also Gates of the Arctic, Kenai Fjords and Wrangell St. Elias have always wanted to explore Lake Clark
First visit at age 8 in 1963 numerous times since then,last visit 2021, 30+ times
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Re: What national parks haven't you visited, but would like to?

Post by Midwest Ed »


How long ago did you leave Alaska? Is there ever a "good" time of the year to travel the Dalton Highway? Maybe all the way to Deadhorse in a simple 4x4 pickup? I'm not thinking of flying into Gates of the Arctic but just going by.
8 trips, 1975 x 2, 1976 x 2, 1978, 1985, 2000, 2013
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