Isle Royale National Park Makes Plans to Decarbonize

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Isle Royale National Park Makes Plans to Decarbonize

Post by Midwest Ed »

Interesting news about all 5 National Parks, Seashores and Monuments surrounding and in Lake Superior and their plans to fully "decarbonize".

Here's the paragraph about The Island:

"Plans call for 81 buildings at Isle Royale to be retrofitted for heat pump water heaters and LED lighting, along with a 1,500-kilowatt off-grid solar array with 695-kilowatt (hour) capacity battery storage. Seven utility task vehicles will be replaced with EVs and accompanying charging stations."

I don't see where they mentioned any boats converting to electric or renewables.
8 trips, 1975 x 2, 1976 x 2, 1978, 1985, 2000, 2013
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