New Sites To Explore

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New Sites To Explore

Post by Backpacker534 »

My buddy (Hikerken on this forum) and I will be on the island from May 15 - May 20 and will be hiking the Feldtmann Loop as well as the Huginnin Cove Loop. My question is, does anyone out there have any suggestions for some hidden/off-trail sites to explore? We have hiked on the island several times already but have really never explored anything off-trail, with the exception of Suzy's Cave, the powderhouse at Senter Point and the Minong Mine. We would really like to see something new on this hike; something with some history behind it. The last time we did this hike we looked for the remains of the Island Mine Cemetery (only from the edge of the trail) but never found it. This time we may bring along a GPS and try our luck with that. So far the only interesting things I came up with were: Wendigo Mines and Island Mine Cemetery. Is there anything else along our planned travel route that you guys might suggest exploring?
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Re: New Sites To Explore

Post by johnhens »

If I was doing the Feldtmann loop this time of year (no leaves), I would make an effort to find the old East Feldtmann trail which should be easier to find with the trees not having leaves.
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Re: New Sites To Explore

Post by Backpacker534 »

Thanks, John. That sounds pretty cool. Now, the next question I have is, where is the old East Feldtmann Trail? I heard someone mention it here in the forums somewhere, but do you have any idea where to begin looking? Such as 1/4 mile east of the tower, or 1/8 mile west of Siskiwit Bay, etc.
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Re: New Sites To Explore

Post by Tom »

Goto and zoom in on Feldtman, and click on the "My Topo" link. You need to be zoomed in to the second or third level to get a certain type of topo, but just play around until it appears. Look to the East of the Lake. You'll get an idea from there... In the lower left corner if you move your pointer, you'll see the coordinates.. There might be a good chance you'll find it!
If you haven't poked around Island Mine, (the mining site) take some time there. I seem to recall some old machinery of some type, the usual tailings, etc.
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Re: New Sites To Explore

Post by Backpacker534 »

Tom, thanks for the digital topo maps idea -- I will definitely check that out and study it before we head out.

In terms of the Island Mine area, the last time we were through there we saw the old steam engine or whatever it was (I actually have a couple pictures of it in the trip report on my website). However, we knew there was a cemetery in that area somewhere but didn't take too much time looking for it and, subsequently, never found it. Maybe we'll take some more time looking for it this time around.

John, with 31 visits to the island I'm guessing that you actually may have hiked the old East Feldtmann Trail? If you did, how was it different from the present-day section of trail?
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Re: New Sites To Explore

Post by johnhens »

Never did find the EF trail. We looked a while ago, when there but it was in August and the undergrowth is heavy. The trail basically cuts to the right at the point where it comes down off the ridge at the base of the cliffs. If you can get a copy of the 1987 topo of Isle Royale (Not the Trails Illusrtated/National Geographic Map) it is on there. I came across it online somewhere, I will look for it.
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Re: New Sites To Explore

Post by Backpacker534 »

Thanks for the info, John. I will try to hunt that map down as well. It would be nice to have a general idea where the old trail was and then maybe do some sleuthing when we hit that area.
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Re: New Sites To Explore

Post by Backpacker534 »

Tom and John,

Thanks for the info about the old East Feldtmann Trail. I visited the website you mentioned and found the trail listed on their map. I got as close as I could to the intersection of the current trail and the old trail and copied down the LAT/LONG coordinates provided by the website. I also printed off a zoomed-in copy of the map and will compare it to my Trails Illustrated map. Hopefully, with all that information and a GPS we will be able to locate the old trail in person. :D
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