This made me laugh

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This made me laugh

Post by Ingo »

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Re: This made me laugh

Post by Tampico »


I've spent a total of 21 days on the island and I've never seen a wolf or a moose.
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Re: This made me laugh

Post by Keweenaw »

Who the heck wrote that?

"The classic North Woods forest that covers most of Isle Royale National Park"

No, most is boreal forest.

"is home to steadily growing wolf and moose populations"

No, they're declining.

"Both animals were only recently reintroduced to Isle Royale"

No, neither was reintroduced unless you believe some of the conspiracy theories. Neither is particularly recent.

"an isolated island in the northwest corner of Lake Superior".

Got that one right!

"You're more likely to hear wolves than see them, but their splendid howl will serenade you if you spend a night in the backcountry."

First part correct, second part change "will" to "might, if you are extremely lucky"

"Ranger-led cruises provide opportunities to see wildlife along the shore of the islands"


"Kayakers and canoeists will get an even better view from the miles of inland waterways and can stay overnight at any of the waterside campgrounds."

Inland waterways is stretching it a bit, but you can stay overnight at the campsites.

"The popular Greenstone Ridge Trail runs for 40 miles along the spine of the islands and affords spectacular views as well as moose sightings. Watch for moose wading, sipping, and nibbling in the water as you follow the trail through dense woods, past bogs, and up high peaks with panoramic views."

Go ahead and watch for them - you MIGHT see one. "High peaks" is another stretch.

"Hikers on the 13-mile Rock Harbor Trail may encounter moose swimming up to the Moskey Basin dock."

They may also encounter wolves taking down a moose or free beer, but don't bet on it.

"Anyone spending a night in the park is bound to hear the howl of wolves and loons throughout the night."

Loons - pretty good chance; wolves, not so much. The only thing I have ever been "bound to hear" is the chattering of a red squirrel.
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Re: This made me laugh

Post by greg »

What an exaggeration! The sad thing is some people will read this item and be disappointed if moose and wolves don't flock to them when they visit the Island. I have been to Isle Royale 21 times and have been very fortunate in terms of wolf and moose sightings but there have been a number of trips where I did not see a moose let alone have one swim up to the dock by me. I wonder where this writer came up with these odd impressions which now serve as reporting on a website? Greg R.
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Re: This made me laugh

Post by Pioneer Spirit »

I wonder where this writer came up with these odd impressions which now serve as reporting on a website? Greg R.
Probably the way a lot of modern 'journalism' is done these days....they made it up at their cubicle desk.
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Re: This made me laugh

Post by PatrickBDunlap »

The only thing my wife and I saw on our last trip was a camp squirrel. Did see three foxes but those were sniffing around on the side of the road on the way home to Michigan through Canada.

Hey, I was excited I saw moose scat! :D
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