Paddling or portaging south from McCargoe Cove?

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Paddling or portaging south from McCargoe Cove?

Post by eddy_line »

First visit to IR, 3 guys & 3 kayaks, coming from GP, drop off at McCargoe, P&P south to Richie, (possible side trip to Siskiwit), then on to Moskey, finish at Rock Harbor. I'm sure we'll have more questions, but first relates to getting started at McCargoe. My research on this forum indicates a very short paddle from McCargoe Cove to the first portage. With kayaks, we'll be transferring gear between boats and portage bags at each portage, so is it worth loading boats for this first short paddle? Or should we consider just making it a slightly longer portage?

Not trying to exchange praise for assistance, but have to tell you all that this is one of the most interesting and informative forums I have read. Special thanks to the "BOINGA" group for their age-relevant report from a few years back. Hope I can live up to your standards.
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Re: Paddling or portaging south from McCargoe Cove?

Post by Ingo »

Hey Eddie,

It IS a short paddle up the creek from the McCargoe dock to the portage. There's been 1 beaver dam to haul the boats over. I'd have to try and measure on a map to be sure, but I think it would add less than 1/4 mile to just start portaging at the dock. Depending on when you're going, it's possible that you may have to do it anyways, as the creek has been closed in the past due to nesting loons. End of July on is probably OK.

Personally, I'd rather paddle than portage any distance, but I presume it's more of a hassle loading/unloading with kayaks. I guess it's just a personal preference. Glad you got something out of the trip report :) .
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Re: Paddling or portaging south from McCargoe Cove?

Post by eddy_line »

Ingo: We all enjoyed and appreciated all of the detailed info, including timelines, gear, menus, etc. on your trip website. As a father of two sons (and grandfather of 3 boys under 5) I also appreciated your including "dad" in your trip.

Would you care to explain the "BOINGA" moniker?
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Re: Paddling or portaging south from McCargoe Cove?

Post by Ingo »

eddy_line wrote:Would you care to explain the "BOINGA" moniker?
Boys Of INGersoll Adventure -- Basically an excuse for 5 dispersed brothers and Dad to get together for a trip (we were missing 1 on that trip). Have done I.R., sailed NC, Apostle Islands and North Channel, and then a more sedentary one in the Branson area. It's gotten a little complicated since the last trip a couple years ago, so not sure where we're going from here (Dad's health, next generation jealous, jobs/money, etc.).
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Re: Paddling or portaging south from McCargoe Cove?

Post by head2north »

I got the impression last September that they are closing the short paddle up the stream from McCargo Cove
to Chickenbone permanently. It has been closed intermittently the past few years and a direct portage to Chickenbone
was needed (about 1 mile and realatively easy portage - compared to some in BWCA).

I asked Ranger Karl about it and got a mixed answer. In past it was due to Loon nesting, and recently
it may be Loons in conjunction with limiting invasive species.

Nonetheless, ask Rangers in Windigo prior to departing to McCargoe Cove.
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Re: Paddling or portaging south from McCargoe Cove?

Post by colvinch »

Last year in August the McCargo to Chickenbone was closed due to the lack of water, the previous two years it was difficult to get through there but manageable with a little extra effort, with the amount of rain we have so far this year I'm hoping it is open, last year we were very disappointed when we found out it was closed, especially since it was super hot out and we hadn't been on the portage before, it wasn't too bad but as soon as we got to McCargo cove I dropped my gear and proceeded to the end of the dock for a nice plunge in the cool water
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Re: Paddling or portaging south from McCargoe Cove?

Post by Tampico »

I haven't seen the 2011 Compendium yet, but this is from the 2010 Compendium:
(5) The Chickenbone Lake outlet, an unnamed stream between Chickenbone Lake and McCargoe
Cove, is closed to all vessels including paddle craft.
It doesn't indicate why it was closed or for how long.
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