What does Barack mean for the environment?

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What does Barack mean for the environment?

Post by fonixmunkee »

We have a new president. What's he going to do for the environment? Discuss.
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Re: What does Barack mean for the environment?

Post by Keweenaw »

How many points is this question worth?
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Re: What does Barack mean for the environment?

Post by johnhens »

It will be interesting to see who he picks for Sec of Interior and Sec of Agriculture.
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Re: What does Barack mean for the environment?

Post by johnhens »

Relating this to the NPS, I would hope thay would get more $$$ to fix the backlog of things that need to be addressed.
With the Economy in the situation it is in, I don't see a lot of releif in the short term.
I would expect more consideration of the environment would be given before say drilling for oil was allowed to take place.
On a more local issue, I would expect him to do more for Saving the Great Lakes!!!
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Re: What does Barack mean for the environment?

Post by fonixmunkee »

I'm completely unaware of Obama's environmental policies, that's why I asked the question. I'm going to have to do a tad bit of research, I reckon.

Like johnhens, I'm hoping he dumps some funding into the NPS as well, but mostly I'm worried about the Great Lakes too.
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Re: What does Barack mean for the environment?

Post by Kevinl »

One thing for sure, he'll do more for the environment than the Current Occupant has.

And being that Chicago is a Great Lakes town must help. From his website: "The Great Lakes store one-fifth of the world's surface water, and Lake Michigan alone provides drinking water for an estimated six million Illinoisans. The Great Lakes are also important for recreation, transportation, and economic development. To preserve this national treasure, Senator Obama has been a strong supporter of the Great Lakes Regional Collaboration and cosponsored the Great Lakes Environmental Restoration Act in the 109th Congress.

One of the greatest threats facing the Great Lakes is aquatic invasive species. Senator Obama was successful in ensuring that Illinois receives adequate federal funding to operate a barrier to prevent Asian carp from entering Lake Michigan and disrupting the balance of the lake's ecosystem."

and "Lake Michigan is more than just a vital source of drinking water," said Obama. "It is one of Chicago's most distinctive features and an important recreational and economic resource for its residents and residents in neighboring communities. That is why I've asked for Senate hearings to ensure that the proper steps are being taken to protect and preserve the Great Lakes. This restoration process has been delayed for far too long and Congress must act immediately build on the efforts of the Great Lakes Regional Collaboration."

Those quotes are from his senate website, not from the campaign.

In general, it will also be interesting to see the effect of a midwesterner as president. I'm not saying anything about midwestern attitudes or upbringing or anything like that, but, for instance, I'm sure that Texas has gotten a lot of things over the last eight years, from press attention, to funding for research. Things that come from having lots of aides from that area in the White House (more ears and experience). And the same applies for the mid-south during the Clinton years, and California during Reagan, and so on. It's been a long time since there was midwest in the White House, and I'm curious to see what that brings to the region.
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