Rock Harbor to Belle Isle

Questions about water transportation and fishing on the island.

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Re: Rock Harbor to Belle Isle

Post by Ingo »

moss13 wrote:Calling John H and Ingo to the courtesy phone!!! Your thoughts please.......
Do it! Similar to last year's trip, though we had a few more days and started at McCargoe. We didn't make Merritt Lane like I would have liked, because we used up an extra day early in the trip. However I don't think I'd ever consider canoeing Blakes Point solo, regardless of conditions. I would love to do it with an experienced partner, however. Considering we had 30+ kt winds the day we left Duncan Narrows it was a no-brainer--the portage it was! Heck we took on water crossing Tobin Harbor!

I have 3.8 miles from Merrit Lane to Duncan Narrows, measured off a map with a ruler. I "budget" 2 mph paddling a canoe (w/ 2) for planning purposes, so I would est 2 hrs, assuming all those assumptions are presumptively close to reality. Obviously I've never actually paddled it. But as I've said before, I used to paddle/portage from R.H. to Belle Isle after work, then back the next day, so you can make R.H. in a day from anywhere on the north side if you have to. But back to that solo thing, I do remember paddling from the front of the canoe once from Lane Cove to Belle Isle because of the wind, so do take your solo skills into account (one way or the other).
moss13 wrote:Having Ingo's calendar right by my computer with the Belle Isle sunrise is not helping me much either with my IR itch. :D
Yeh, I've been staring at it instead of working the last couple days... (well actually have been working, just wishing I were somewhere else.) Still trying to figure out if a trip is possible this year. Remember you have to get up by 5 for this view :D
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Re: Rock Harbor to Belle Isle

Post by johnhens »

Your trip sounds doable,as Ingo stated you should be able to get around Blake Pt to Merrit in about 2 hrs. Check the forecast though, it could be calm on one side and rocking on the other. The last time around, we were on the water before it was light and got around no problems. Keep in mind there is open water too from Merrit back to Rock Haebor, though you shuld be more protected in Tobin.

As Damon said Blake Pt can be nothing as well as the exposed stretches on the NE, but boy is it nice paddling.
Looking forward to the pics and TR!
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Re: Rock Harbor to Belle Isle

Post by moss13 »

Thank you for the advice. 30 kt winds does not sound pleasing to me. I would be portaging for sure then. Ok, so I would add another 15-30 minutes or so under calm conditions for taking pictures and some video. If I take the canoe, it would be weighed down pretty good with gear so that does help in the wind. I have a middle seat that I use when I solo that balances it out pretty good. The canoe is 17 and a half feet long and 42lbs empty.

5 a.m. huh? I will do my best as I would love to see that sunrise. I have a BWCA trip planned in July so this planed trip to IR would be either late August or over Labor Day weekend as I would get an extra day because of that. That sure seems like a ways off but it is a trip I would really look forward to.

Anyone been to the island over Labor Day in the past? If so what were the crowds like? Is Blake Point crowded that time of year? :D
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Re: Rock Harbor to Belle Isle

Post by Keweenaw »

I would bring a long pole to fend off the other canoes around the Point :wink:

I have always found the term "crowds" to be relative when it comes to Isle Royale. Rock Harbor, Daisy Farm, etc, can get crowded but more out-of-the-way places never seem to get really full (although the NE islands can get a lot of boaters sometimes).

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Re: Rock Harbor to Belle Isle

Post by KeyMeKoe »

I do not understand how someone can make a blanket statement like: don’t paddle around Blake Point, it is too dangerous. For me personally, hiking the trail is much more dangerous. I have been to IR four times for kayaking and have rounded Blake Point three times. I never had any problem. Twice I paddled Blake Point solo. One time I hiked the Tobin to Duncan portage trail with only a daypack. I have no doubt that if I tried to carry a canoe or kayak over that trail, I would die. The Duncan side of the trail was extremely difficult. I am not a very good hiker and carrying something over my head while walking down that steep path; I would trip, fall, twist an ankle, break a leg and faint from exhaustion.

Some people enjoy a portage, but I am not one of them. A weak paddler who is a strong hiker. Hike. A strong paddler who is a weak hiker. Paddle. For someone who is a bad at both. Take the water taxi.

P.S. Belle is one of my favorite places on IR.
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Re: Rock Harbor to Belle Isle

Post by colvinch »

Here is your sunrise

and the harbor

Ive only gone in the direction from Belle to RH. Could be bad but it's fairly protected between Belle to Lane Cove and fine the rest. The portages aren't bad until Duncan to Tobin, which is tough but a good life experince
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Re: Rock Harbor to Belle Isle

Post by moss13 »

Nice pics! I do believe those views will work for me. :D
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Re: Rock Harbor to Belle Isle

Post by Ingo »

colvinch wrote:... The portages aren't bad until Duncan to Tobin, which is tough but a good life experince
Hear, Hear! Actually, my teenaged girls agreed when I made them do it!
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Re: Rock Harbor to Belle Isle

Post by Damon S »

I do like the pics.

I agree as well. Belle is one of my favorite spots as well. Such a cool place with interesting history.

I also agree with keymekoe, he would be much safer paddling around the point then hiking.....even in 6 footers, I reckon :shock:

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Re: Rock Harbor to Belle Isle

Post by Backpacker534 »

Very nice pictures. Thanks for posting them.
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Re: Rock Harbor to Belle Isle

Post by Forcey »

I utilized this site extensively for a trip last year and neglected to put up a retrospective of the trip. My apologizes. Here goes.

We did the trip you are thinking about. From RH we went around Blakes Point in mid-afternoon and it was very doable. Mind you, I have 1/100th the experience in a kayak that most of you do, and I survived with a buddy equally as green.
We stayed at Duncan Narrows (beautiful) and then on to Belle Isle across Hill Point. That was worse than Blake's, b/c we got caught in a fast approaching storm. Actually had to duck into Finger Bay for protection.
We stayed at Belle Isle for a day and it was gorgeous. One of the best wilderness experiences of my life. We were actually 'winded' in the next day, with reports of 4-6fts out in the open. Was nervous as all get out the next day, hoping that we'd be ok to make it back for the Isle Queen the day after.
We ended up doing the reverse portage from Duncan to Tobin the day we left. We were at Duncan Bay CG in the morning and still skittish about what Blake's Point might hold on the return (did I mention we have less experience?). So we made a game plan to portage it, just to be safe.
I'm 35 yrs old and in decent shape (buddy is about 38 yrs old). 2 Kayaks. A crap load of gear. We made the portage in about 3 hrs. I'm not going to lie; it was miserable. We did the kayaks first; took them to the top of the ridge. Then went back and did several runs with the gear. Once everything was at the top, then took the kayaks down, and repeat.

I say go for it. We probably could have done Blake's the last day, but I was scared because of the wind and waves on the day were were winded in Belle. That day, I ventured beyond the harbour of BI for 10 minutes, and then returned white-knuckled. I even contemplated getting an emergency water taxi ride; that's how spooked I was.

The lesson? PLAN and EXPECT a possible 0 mile day due to whether, esp. when planning a trip longer than 4 days.

EDIT: Dunno if the embedded Facebook video works. If not, here's the URL

<object width="400" height="300" ><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="" /><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="400" height="300"></embed></object>
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Re: Rock Harbor to Belle Isle

Post by Damon S »

Absolutely right about Hill Pt. Some of the rougher water we've paddled has been around Locke and Hill. Longer exposure and certainly a longer paddle to your destination.

One thing about those areas as well is the outer reefs/rock gardens that can cause a nasty cauldron of water and breaking waves. You really have to do your homework and do thorough planning if you're not familiar with these shallow areas. A chart of the area is a must have. Better to head around further out to sea and to deeper water if you find yourself in these conditions (usually).

Interesting thing about Blake too is the area of conflicting seas/winds, etc which make the area known for it's rough conditions. There have been times when I was prepared to head around Blake a mile or more offshore.


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